Tag, you're it

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Caramel stiffened, " well that's makes this a bit easier doesn't it," she muttered.
"Don't relax yet kiddo," he laughed, his expression suddenly changed from a carefree smile to a cunning smirk, " you're here to arrest me right? How about we make this fun,"

"What, like a game," Rose questioned him.

Suru pointed finger guns at her and nodded, " yup like a game. All you have to do is tag me by the end of the day, if you win you can take me away, and I'll come willingly with only a little complaining."

"What if we lose," Caramel stared him down, while tapping her foot in annoyance.
"You tell me," Suru pointed at Caramel "what's under the hood and what's with the bags under your eyes."

"Are they really that bad?"

"Yeah you look terrible,"


Rose was almost jumping with excitement as she usually did when there was word that started with 'g' (game, gay, green, etc) "you can have a five minute head start because we got this in the bag," she nudged her partner "right, Caramel, we got this."

Suru laughed, " I guess we'll find out," he turned to Fisher and nodded, the small cat seemed to nod back, Rose found this strange (cats didn't usually nod and understand Humans after all) however she shrugged it off and began stretching.

"You better get running Suru your time starts now," Caramel muttered as she pulled out a pocket watch that seemed older than time. Suru held out his hand towards his cat and the animal jumped to pat it with his paw, the two began to glow a bright, electric blue, and a moment later they were running across the rooftops.

"WOAH," Rose yelled, "the job page didn't say anything about magic."

"Yeah, well, it won't matter for long," Caramel jerked her head to the side, it popped and she released a howl, the wolf trapped in her mind was excited at the idea of a chase. "Time's up," she growled, as the ring of amber around her pupil grew until it took up about half of her eyes. She took off in the direction of Suru. She clawed at the stone buildings and climbed to the top of the tallest roof, it was a church steeple and searched around for the boy and his cat.

She didn't need to search for very long though.
He was about two streets away.
Just sitting there.
Watching the clouds.
What a fool, Caramel thought a smile creeping up her face. She climbed back down to report to Rose.

"Two streets away from the church sitting on somebody's roof."

"That makes this easy then, doesn't it?" Rose laughed, "he won't know what hit him'"
Rose ran up to the side of the nearest building and stomped her foot, when she did so a mint green magic circle appeared around her feet. She jumped and a plant with large tear shaped leaves grew up from under her. She grabbed onto the stem for support, and the plant began to carry her to the roof of the building, she hopped off and into the arms of an awaiting Caramel.

"After you ma'am," Caramel bowed and pointed in the direction of the church.
"Why thank you," Rose curtsied, grabbed Caramel's hand, and ran toward Suru, dragging the werewolf along behind her.

Suru heard them before he saw them. The first set of footsteps was uneven and almost clumsy, while he could barely hear the second pair, they were careful and planned, if Suru had to guess he'd say that the first pair was new to guild work and maybe even magic itself, while the second was more of an expert.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the quiet tap tap tap of shoes against the roof he was currently sitting on.

He stood up and stretched before taking a running leap off the building and landing on the next one.

"Did that kid just jump off the roof?!" Rose yelled in alarm.

"Yea, he did, so what," Caramel replied nonchalantly.

He continued until he got to a building with an open window, which he jumped right through and into the house it belonged to. The window slammed shut as he flew through. He heard a thud behind him and risked a look back at the window, he laughed quietly at what he saw

"OW! screw you cat boy!" Rose yelled as she hit a window face first. Had it been anyone else Caramel would have rolled her eyes but it was Rose, so she held back. Jeez Caramel you're getting soft she thought with amusement.

Rose carefully grabbed onto the window seal before she could fall to the ground, and hauled herself back up to the roof and Caramel.

"You know I used to like cats, now I'm not so sure," Rose muttered as she got to her feet.
Caramel smiled at Rose muttering to herself. Caramel shook herself to clear her head. "Come on, we don't want him to get away."

"Yea I guess it's time we got serious," Rose smirked and popped her knuckles.

She dug in her pocket pulling out a handful of different seeds, which she sprinkled around the roof she was on. Then Rose carefully slid off the roof (Caramel followed her but with a lot less caution) and down onto the sun-bleached dirt that seemed to serve as a town square. She pulled out more seeds and danced around the square, scattering them on the ground.

"Ok! That should do it," Rose yipped as she dusted off her hands. Around her the seeds began to sprout up at remarkable speeds. She then pointed to where she could see Suru hopping out of the room he had been hiding in and back onto the roof

"Go get him my dears," Rose cackled as the array of plants swarmed past her.

Suru glanced behind and had time to think crap before he was engulfed in ivy, flowers, and any plant one could imagine. He could barely move and could only see because of a gap around his eyes and nose. Thankfully the vines had just missed his feline friend, who was angrily scratching at them.

"Haha, got you sucker!" Suru looked upwards as far as he could and saw the outline of mint green hair about three feet above him.

Rose grinned and jumped ungracefully off the plants she had grown and down to Suru.
Caramel leapt after, however without nearly breaking her neck.

Rose stepped forward and tapped Suru on the nose, an amused look on her face

"Consider this little game over."

A/N: aaaaannnndddd bam chapter finished and published sorry that took so long.

Please comment jokes corrections hit me up I need it

@metallicBerry41 I hope this is up to your standards :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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