A Trick of the Light

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Danny walked right on past the bathroom, avoiding eye contact. If he didn't look, it wasn't real. It was all just a trick of the light. He was fine, perfectly normal. There was nothing wrong with him. He was fine. Everything was fine.

...Except it wasn't. It had been three days since The Accident, and aside from those first few minutes (no he doesn't want to think about it he's fine he's fine and normal and human and alive, thank you very much), he could explain everything away as clumsiness or a trick of the light. Suddenly dropping things all the time like it just fell through his hands? He's just tired and extra clumsy today. Sam and Tucker not seeing him when he walks up right next to them? They were just occupied; they didn't notice him. He was fine . But then those eyes had begun to follow him, and there's only so long he can look at bright green eyes (they should be blue his eyes are blue, dammit) and still pretend it's all a trick of the light. His parents never seemed to notice (thank the stars) but Jazz kept giving him weird looks, even asked if he got "a haircut? Something looks different." He couldn't tell her, of course. Sam and Tucker pretended not to notice, changing the subject whenever he asked (he was kind of grateful they acted like everything was still the same).

No matter how many times he tried to will his eyes back to normal, it never worked. They always stayed the same, bright, radioactive green. The same green as the portal, the lightning. The same green that had changed his life forever (If he could even call it his life). No. He's fine. He's alive. He's normal. Nothing's changed. He was still Daniel James Fenton, ordinary guy, who had decent grades and got picked on by jerks like Dash.

If he just didn't look, it would go away. It was all a trick of light.

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