Chapter Two: Warm Welcomings.

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The month spent at her uncle's ended so fast that she was genuinely sad about leaving. Lupin assured her he'd be fine and hinted that maybe, just maybe, he'll seek a way to bring Sirius to live with him; that cheered her up a bit.

Emily and her drove for about two days before arriving at the burrow. Mel had cut her hair while staying with Lupin, and her mother had bought her new clothes (the old ones were starting to get tighter and shorter) so she was eager to use them, even if they were bigger than what she usually wore. 

"Has Erick sent anything to you lately?" Emily asked after a while of driving in comfortable silence.

Her mother had grown fond of the boy without even knowing him, she'd ask about his letters and his progress with the books he'd borrowed from them. Emily found him adorable: A fifteen-year-old wizard pinning over a muggle girl and trying hard to get her attention. It reminded her to a certain someone who'd done the same for one of her classmates, a few years back.

"He was reading Pride and Prejudice, said 'it was interesting' which means he likes it but doesn't want to admit it," Mel chuckled.

"Ron knows about him?"

"Yeah," Mel looked at her. "Why?"

"Just making sure I don't mess it up," Her mother replied. "It's still a secret, right?"

"Well, Harry and Hermione know too... but that's it."

"I'll keep my mouth shut around the rest, then."

"He might send me a letter," The girl added. "He'd said he'd let me know if he's been made Prefect."

"From what you've told me, he sounds like a brilliant prospect. Dumbledore must give him the position."

The Burrow appeared on sight and Mel's heart jumped at the view.

"You'll come to the Quidditch Final, won't you?" She asked, suddenly realizing she didn't know if her mother was going to join them.

"I think so," Emily smiled absentmindedly. "Your father would've love to see one of those, he never got the chance to see one..."

"Did he like Quidditch?"

"He did," Emily smiled. "Though now that I think about it, it also could've been that he just liked to spend time with all of us, take a break from his schoolwork and all."

"He studied a lot?"

"As much as you," Emily glanced at her. "Which reminds me... Don't be too hard on yourself, alright? Learning is good, but Matthew missed a lot of adventures locked in his room, reading..."

"Oh, I'm not missing out those, believe me," She snorted.

"About that," Her mother raised a brow, "If I get one letter from the school telling me you did something like locking a boggart in the Slytherin common room, you'll be getting Howlers by the minute–"

"I'll try my best!" The young girl laughed.

"Get out of the car before I kill you," Emily said jokingly, parking the car outside the big house.

Mel rushed out and opened the back door, pulling out Grey's basket and two of her bags.

"Hullo!" Ron walked out of his house, followed by his mother.

"Hel– Oh, wow– You've grown," She huffed, handing a bag to him. "How come you're taller than before when I barely managed to grow about two inches?"

Ron laughed, grabbing the bag and taking two more from the back seat. 

"I'm not a dwarf like you and Harry, that's all..."

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