Chapter Thirty-Four: In the Eye of the Storm.

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"Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place, with eighty-five points each — Mr. Cedric Diggory and Mr. Harry Potter, both of Hogwarts School!" The cheers and applause sent birds from the Forbidden Forest fluttering into the darkening sky. "In second place, with eighty points — Mr. Viktor Krum, of Durmstrang Institute!" More applause. "And in third place — Miss Fleur Delacour, of Beauxbatons Academy!"

Mel looked back one last time, she watched as he waved at their friends and couldn't help but think how young he looked standing next to the other champions...  Then she thought that probably she looked exactly the same, surrounded by all the teachers and the Slytherin Prefect that was at least a head taller. Mel felt completely out of place.


"So... on my whistle, Harry and Cedric!" said Bagman. "Three — two — one —"

He gave a short blast on his whistle, and Harry and Cedric hurried forward into the maze.

The towering hedges cast black shadows across the path, and, whether because they were so tall and thick or because they had been enchanted, the sound of the surrounding crowd was silenced the moment they entered the maze. Harry felt almost as though he were underwater again. He pulled out his wand, muttered, "Lumos," and heard Cedric do the same just behind him.

After about fifty yards, they reached a fork. They looked at each other.

"See you," Harry said, and he took the left one, while Cedric took the right.


Mel strolled on the edge of the maze until she heard the whistle blow a third time. Now all the champions were inside. Her breathing grew uneven and her hands started to sweat. Forty minutes into her walk Moody appeared near her place. 

She quickly hid in the darkness, at first, she'd hidden out of instinct, when her brain finally realized it was dumb she attempted to move, but then it hit her: Why was he walking into the maze when no red sparks had flashed up?

Not that she was actually suspicious of Professor Moody, but... All right, maybe she was suspicious. Hadn't he always said 'constant vigilance'? Trust no one? Well, that was what she was doing. The old man reached for his watch, he had a frantic expression, not at all like his usual scowl. 

"Anytime time now, my lord," He let out shakily. "Anytime now..."

Mel waited until the sound of steps had completely vanished. Maybe he'd gotten all crazy about a villain entering the maze and he was making sure that wasn't the case? It didn't felt right though, what 'Lord' was he talking to? 

Someone screamed not too far from where she'd been standing. This only increased her anxiety, she walked faster around the maze, hoping to hear something. After ten minutes she saw a couple of sparks fly into the air and she ran. When she got there Professor McGonagall and Moody were examining something, she tried to look as neutral as possible, but her face soon fell as she looked down at the person that had conjured the sparks.

"What happened?" She kneeled beside Krum.

"He was stunned," Moody sneered. "Again."

"It's truly shameful if the champions have decided to start eliminating each other instead of searching for the cup," McGonagall said severely. "First Delacour, now Krum."

"What? Both of them got attacked?"

Instead of answering, Moody stepped forward and handed her Krum's wand.

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