Chapter Twenty-One: Dance Partners.

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Mel got detention thanks to her display and Erick teased her until her ears hurt, delighted to see she was the same fickle little girl he'd known all those years back no matter how much she'd refused to admit it.

The story quickly spread around the school and her mother sent a letter to show her disappointed (she also pointed out that a tripping jinx was far more discrete if she needed to defend herself without getting detention again). Her relationship with Cedric was damaged, they couldn't say talk without listening to whistling and improper comments, so they just ignored the existence of each other.

Dumbledore merely reminded her that it was her job to show others their mistake, not to give what they wanted, that she needed to work on her self-control before becoming an animagi, and just like that, he decided to move the lesson to her fifth year, when she would hopefully have a better hold on herself. Least to say she was having a dreadful week when McGonagall gave them yet another awful announcement.

"Will you three pay attention?!"

The group of friends had been playing with the twins' fake wands and making a fuss. In their defence, the class was about to end.

"Now that Potter, Dumbledore, and Weasley have been kind enough to act their age," McGonagall glared at them, "I have something to say to you all. The Yule Ball is approaching — a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and above — although you may invite a younger student if you wish. Dress robes will be worn and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall."

Now the fancy robes made sense. 

"The Yule Ball is, of course, a chance for us all to — er — let our hair down," Lavender giggled a few ahead. "But that does NOT mean, that we will be relaxing the standards of behaviour we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way." 

The bell rang and Mel quickly stood up, however, McGonagall had something else to say.

"Potter, Dumbledore — a word, if you please."

They share a look of dread but walked over to her desk nonetheless.

"Potter, the champions and their partners —"

"What partners?" said Harry.

"Your partners for the Yule Ball, Potter. Your dance partners."

"Dance partners?" He asked, this time in a much shier voice. "I don't dance."

"Oh yes, you do," said Professor McGonagall. "That's what I'm telling you. Traditionally, the champions and their partners open the ball."

"I'm not dancing," He repeated.

"It is traditional," said McGonagall firmly. "You are a Hogwarts champion, and you will do what is expected of you as a representative of the school. So make sure you get yourself a partner, Potter. Miss Dumbledore, I called you over to remind you you're part of the committee, so by all means, please try to keep a low profile during the ball and behave!"

"But — I don't —" Harry stammered.

"I have to go to the ball too?!" Mel asked in horror.

"You heard me, both of you. Get a good partner, and make your school proud."


"Why do they have to move in packs?" A dozen girls walked past them, all staring at Harry and giggling. "How're you supposed to get one on their own to ask them?"

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