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The voices of students can be heard from inside the school building, talking to their friends as they made their way back to their homes safely. It was that typical evening weather there; windy and cool. Everybody was doing their own thing, from playing tag infront of the school to reading books near the fountain.

Yuqi is walking near the courtyard while happily sipping her banana uyu. Not too far away infront of her was one of her friends, Lia. Lia noticed her and ran up towards her; probably asking for a sip of some banana uyu. Which was correct. As always, Yuqi gave it away to her. It is normal for Lia to ask for some food from Yuqi, and she didn't really mind about it.

She looked at the view around her. More and more students are exiting the school gate, going back home. But then, her eyes landed on Suho, Rowoon and Yiren talking under a big tree near the gates. Yuqi just kind of.. watched them talk with each other. She herself has no clue what so ever about what is so interesting about them talking. But she kept staring and staring.

'Yah, Yuqi-yaa!' she finally snapped back to reality, thanks to Lia. 'Here's your uyu. Thank youu~' Lia said, giving the banana uyu back to her; f i n i s h e d and running away towards the other end. 'This kid.'  Yuqi said under her breath and throwing the empty uyu bottle in the trash can. She decided to walk over towards the three; Suho, Rowoon and Yiren probably to find out what's up.

I kept on staring at them since just now and I don't know why is that. And right now, i'm walking towards them. 'Hi! What are you doing?' 'Oh hey Qiqi! We're just talking nonsence haha!' answered Yiren. But I have the feeling that they were lying. I don't know how to describe it but.. it just feels like it ya know. 'Are you like.. dating Suho or something? There's not one time I don't see you guys together' I asked Yiren. 'What are you talking about? Of course we're not!' She replied. 'I only see him as my twin brother!' Yiren continued, smacking Suho in the head with her thick-a$$ math book. But Suho just kept quiet, along with Rowoon.

Before I came here to check up on them, both of them were talking non-stop. But they suddenly got quiet when I approached them. Why is that? Almost immediately, I had that feeling that I need to get up and leave ASAP and that is what i'm about to do. 'Alright um, hey.. maybe I should get going. So uh, see you around I guess?' 'Alright then, see you!' It looks like Yiren is the only one who actually 'noticed my existance' . While I was walking towards the building, I kinda looked back for a moment. Rowoon was resuming his chat with Yiren. But not Suho. He was.. staring at me..? I seriously felt creeped out and ran in quick.

When Yuqi suddenly came towards us, I felt something.. odd. It's like.. she's carrying some sort of aura that feels.. inhuman..? I wouldn't say super natural yet but, that's the thing. She finally left but I couldn't stop thinking about the odd 'aura' she was carrying. After some time, I finally snapped back to reality and find myself staring at her. She probably noticed and ran away after that. Welp, my bad.

I wanted to tell someone about this but, I don't really know if I could. I mean, if I did,, people would probably think i'm nuts since Yuqi is that kind of person who is actually really nice and always listens to the teachers. Talking about teacher's pets. Oh yes, I really do need to remind Rowoon of something but,, it's too.. 'private'  if you know what I mean.

'Ya, Rowoon-ah.. can I talk to you for a moment? But i'm afraid not here'  'Alright but, what about Yiren?'  he asked. 'That's okay, i'll be fine here. Plus, I was gonna go back home soon anyways' Yiren answered. Nice. 'Right, follow me' I usherred Rowoon towards the building, leaving Yiren packing up and walking towards the gate. The thing is.. I didn't want Yiren to know about this yet. Well.. it's about this school and I really need to remind him about this thing since I didn't see any progress whatsoever.

We entered a room labeled 'staffs only'. It's fine though, there are no staffs at these times usually; the reason is probably because they want to give room to students who will be staying back in school to study on their own. But not much students do that usually.

I closed the door behind us and turned to face him. 'Hey, do you know?' I asked him first. That's a way to start a conversation right? No? Okay. 'Know.. what..?' He asked back, clearly confused. 'That we're being controlled.' I answered him back in a flat tone. It was just silence for roughly 10 seconds and he sighed. 'Suho-ya.. I don't wanna talk about this anymore'

To be honest, me too. But, you see, I just had to. 'I also don't want to but please, we NEED to talk about this' 'Yes, I know we're being controlled; then? If there's nothing else than just the same stuff like last week, just be quiet. I know what to do' he answered me. I could kinda feel the annoyed feeling in his tone. But right now, he is also making me annoyed af. He knows what to do, but is there barely any progress? Duh.

'Yah-' 'Please, just.. I really don't wanna talk about this' I was about to say something but he cutted me off, not letting me finish my sentence. 'Fine then..but you need to find your Dan-Oh quick before anything happens' I warned him with not much expression.

Well, he looks really annoyed right now and I kinda regret dragging him all the way here just to repeat the same thing again..? But I just had to. 'Fine, I will.' He answered while swinging open the door; letting out a really loud creak. Look who's mad. I simply clenched my fists a little and just let him go like that. You see, I have mercy okay? I'm not that bad. I exited the door too and woa was I suprised, Lia was there listening the whoke time.


Soo.. how do you like my first chapter? Was it better than the last one? I hope it is :) I hope you'd wait for awhile for me to update stuff because I also have ither stuff to do :/ hope you enjoyed it so far, thank you for reading 🍑❤

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