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Ha, ha! My clumsy Uncle! Next story. We go two more years. I walk home from school then
"Hello Darling."
"Hi mister, please leave me alone. I don't know you."
"What? You mama or papa never talk about me?"
"Not anyone with a bread and slightly overweight.(guys, if you read my last book, you should know who this is).
"Nope. Who are a You?"
"I'm Hans! Hans of the Southern Isles."
"Oh! Your Hans! My mom warned me about you. You wanted to kill her and my aunt to become king. Then you did kill my aunt but my mums tears brought her back to life!"
As I was explaining this, I pushed my emergency button, and then the Arendelle Cops came.
"What? Anna's Alive?!"
"Oh, how nice. Hanš of the southern isles came to visit little Jelsa."
"Hey Kid! You called the cops on me?!?!"
"Yes. Your creepy and you tried to kill my family. Duh,"
"Come Hans, we'll see what Elsa wants to do to you."
"Hans Of The Southern Isles, I command you to 3-5 years in Arendelle Jail . Then, life sentence in the Castle Dungon. "
"Queen Elsa, please, what did I do to Jessica?"
"You threaten Jelsa. She was afraid. Now, my des icon is made!"
"Come Hans!"
So my first time seeing Hans was my last

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