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Pairing: Will Solace and Nico Di Angelo

Rating: k

Word count: 182 words

Time: About 10 years after Blood Of Olympus

Disclaimer: I am not Rick Riordan so I don't own These characters


"Thanks again for watching Luke and Silena," Percy said to the couple "Annabeth and i really need some alone time." Nico turned to Annabeth,"Any special request for us to know about? I already know no candy and bed by 9." The Blonde shook her head, "Nope you got it!" She said with a smile. The parents said Goodbye and left on their date.

"So what do you kids want to do?" Will asked the 6 and 8 year olds. "Uncle Nico! Let's play wet skeletons!" Exclaimed 8 year old Luke.

Nico looked excited as he brought a skeleton up for the Earth for the children to blast with their Poseidon powers from Percy. "Nico! No!" Cried Will, then he saw the delighted looks  on the children's faces as they yelled "again, again Uncle Nico"

Nico turns to Will with a big smile on his face, as Will Yells "Yes Nico! Yes!"

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