Are you okay???

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That might be your first question when you came across this piece of garbage on Wattpad but the answer is: Yes, I am. If you're literate (which you obviously are, otherwise you wouldn't even be here) and you've read the description, you will find that I am in fact "okay" and there is no war in Ba Sing Se.

First of all, I would like to say that I don't know why I even started this in the first place but perhaps I needed a place to vent my thoughts and rant about everything in my head, otherwise I would  e x p l o d e  and I need my thoughts to explode somewhere safe where there won't be any casualties (who will be worrying about me and bombarding me with tons of questions).

This is going to be my safe haven "rant space" and feel free to not listen to an average, twenty-two-year-old rant about her concerns and be on your merry way.

But in the event that you are reading this and you are, in fact, NOT okay, do feel free to shoot me a message and we can talk about why you feel like shit too. AND THEN WE CAN FEEL LIKE SHIT TOGETHER <3

My Depression Could Kill Me One Day & I'm Okay With ThatWhere stories live. Discover now