Chapter 3

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Charlie smiled to themselves and went to bed. Charlie awoke to their alarm clock. They got out of bed and made a cup of London Fog. (London Fog is Earl Grey tea with milk and it's delicious) Charlie neatly made their bed and got dressed in all black (pic above). Charlie made their bed and left to training.
~Time skip brought to you by my dog returning home suddenly at 3am~
Charlie walked back into their room and shut their door. Charlie took off their boots and flopped on their bed. They had a few hours before classes start. Charlie picked up a pencil and went over to their desk to start drawing.

( what Charlie drew brought to you by my terrible photography) Charlie had just finished when they heard a knock on the door

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( what Charlie drew brought to you by my terrible photography) Charlie had just finished when they heard a knock on the door. The door opens to reveal a tiny woman around 5'1" standing there. This was Olivia the leader of the Clubs. "Hello Charlie." The woman spoke her southern accent poured out of her mouth like honey. " Are you ready to learn the history of this society." Charlie nodded and Olivia smiled "Good. Now come with me please." Charlie did as was told and followed Olivia to the room where Charlie was to learn. Charlie walks into the room to find it to be like a classroom. "Ok Charlie we are going to learn about the history of the suits. To begin the year was 2035 WW3 had been under way for around 5 years and the countries known as U.S and Canada were destroyed and most countries had been disassembled. Once the fighting stopped the survivors of the North American continent got together and created a new civilization known as the suits." Charlie nodded as Olivia continued. "The suits were separated into four groups depending on a persons personality. The Diamonds are the richest and own the businesses they're best at economics and run the treasury. The Hearts are the peacemakers they are the nicest and are the best diplomats and artists they run the foreign relations and the arts department. The Clubs are next they are the smartest and wisest they are the best politicians they run the schools and all political debates. Last but not least are Spades. The Spades are the toughest and are considered rebellious they are the best fighters and they run the armed forces." "What about Jokers?" Charlie questioned. "I was just getting to that Jokers are the fifth they are kept secret because a person normally has a trait that stands out above the rest but Jokers are the people who are considered perfect and they are hidden and protected by the government. Their  job is to lead our country and learn about the other the other suits. If they were revealed to to the public they would be considered too powerful. Do you understand Charlie?" Charlie nodded. "Good now the day is yours." "Thank you Miss Olivia." Charlie states while standing up from the desk. Charlie walked out of the room and out of the building to market street the busiest square in the area.

Word count- 521 words

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