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"Thank you so much for helping me with the move, Neji." 

That should be the last box. I don't own much since all my belongings fit in a small little dorm for almost three years of my life. Nonetheless, it was such a hassle to move everything. I didn't have my license let alone a car to transfer anything from the university dorms to my new studio. It was still five heavy boxes I had to move and it would've been a nightmare taking a whole bunch of bus trips to and from.

Luckily, my cousin was around to help. He was the one that got me such a good deal on rent in this little studio just a couple doors away from him. And to top things off, he had a car. It took one trip and everything was inside.

"Not a problem." He smiled. "You sure you have everything?"

I nodded. "Should be."

"I can help you unpack." My cousin offered.

I shook my head. I already bothered him enough and he's already done more than enough to help little old me. I can't ask for more than that. "N-no. Go on home. You have the night shift tonight at the hospital. I don't want to keep you up too long."

"Hinata, it's 2pm." chuckled Neji. "I don't usually sleep until like 5pm anyways."

"You're a resident in the ER." I argued. "You need to still rest and relax. They make you do anything and everything..."

Neji sighed. "Alright, alright. When do you start your new job anyways?"

"Bright and early tomorrow morning." My heart skipped a beat at the mere mention of it. "I'm so ready for this."

"I know you are. You haven't stopped talking about since you got your acceptance letter after graduation."

I blushed and muttered an apology. I can't help it! I've always wanted to work with anything that's related to coding and technology. I even walked out of my luxurious home life to get the bachelor's in computer science. My father wanted me to become a doctor, just like my entire family was but...

I wanted to be different. 

"Nothing to be sorry about." Neji patted my head. "Just unpack and rest up. I'll bring you some dinner a little later since you don't have any groceries yet. Knock if you need anything."


Neji slipped his slippers on and closed the door behind him. 

I wanted to prove that I can do different and still be happy without the money and the pride that came with being a doctor. I even graduated a year early!

Of course, that would be asking too much from such an old-fashioned man.

I clenched my fists in frustration.

It sucks I don't have my father or a majority of the Hyuga family supporting me but that isn't going to stop me from doing what I love. 

And that was coding; creating technological tools and games for everybody to enjoy. I remembered playing the first Game Boy color game ever. It was nothing special, just Pokemon but I was always so curious on what was needed to make all the interactions happen. How the little character can walk back and forth the way it does. 

Everything about that fascinated me.

I knew what I wanted to do from that moment on. However, my father never saw a good career coming from it. He only sees it as a hobby, as nothing more.

I sighed and shook my head. There's no use dwelling in the past now. I already left the strict lifestyle my father and all my grandparents had laid out for me to do what I want. I'll just bring myself down.

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