Chapter 13.

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The ride to the airport was quiet. Lin had his headphones on, but he didn't sing or rap aloud. He seemed lost inside of his head. Vanessa was reading a book. Every now and then she would pause as she turned the page and give me the still secret look. My phone buzzed and it felt like it rang through the whole car. Vanessa and Lin looked at me expectantly. I decided against checking my phone while they were so close. At the airport, I watched the boys. Frankie was sound asleep in his travel seat while Sebastian was curled up like a cat with his head on my lap. I gently stroked his hair marveled by his resemblance to his dad. My phone buzzed again. I looked around and the Mirandas were still away. I quickly pulled it and opened my messages.

BM Brian: So, I do still have a job, but I'm getting so much slack for taking a few days off 😂 Miss you too much already 😘

Bestie Bestie: Excuse me, why is Boom Mic Brian telling me you're leaving the country for a few weeks with your bosses?! DETAILS ASAP!

I dropped my face into my hand. Shit, that's what I forgot!

"What's going on?" Vanessa appeared out of nowhere behind me.

"Just checking my messages..." I offered weakly. Vanessa watched me for more details. "I forgot to tell my best friend I was going out of the country for work..."

"Oh, that's rough." Lin said sitting down. 

"Mhmm." I nodded.




I was happy to board first class and find we were mostly alone. I picked an isolated spot and looked to where the Mirandas had settled. They weren't too far, but far enough to not watch me. I pulled out my phone and sent two quick texts then put my phone on airplane mode.

"Texting that helper boy from this morning?" Vanessa was sitting in the seat next to me.

"I... Well... Uhm... Not really but I guess." Vanessa looked at me unconvincingly. "I sent more than  one message. It was an apology to Alya."

"Okay, I guess you must be embarrassed of 'water with cucumbers in it' boy..." I felt the knots in my stomach.She doesn't need to know who he is... Vanessa turned to sit more comfortably.

"He' boyfriend...we started dating recently..." I looked at my hands.

"What?" Vanessa playfully hit my shoulder. "Why didn't you just say that?"

"I... don't know..." 

"Well, next time I'll have to meet him properly." She whispered. I watched her get up and move back to sit with Lin. I let out a breath and tried to rest during the long flight.




When we got to the hotel, I was astounded by the size of the rooms. 

"Don't get used to the hotel, we're only here because the rental house wasn't prepared in time." Lin said as he walked by. He was still in a crusty mood and I wasn't sure why. Vanessa caught me looking after where he'd walked and smiled sympathetically. My cheeks burned. I opened my mouth to defend myself, but she interrupted.

"Don't explain. It's okay. He's cute." She looked in the direction with a lazy smile.

"No, no that's not it. I mean, I'm not saying he's cute. I mean, I'm not saying he's not cute. I mean, he's not ugly uh..." Vanessa looked amused. Lin returned looking between me and Vanessa. "I should go hunt for sustenance. It's been a long day."

"Lin will go. He needs the breathing space." Vanessa walked deeper into the massive hotel space leaving us behind. I felt Lin's eyes on me so I looked down at his shoes. He made a motion to move towards me then turned sharply to exit. I stood a minute longer before looking for Vanessa.

"Should we go over the schedule for this week when Lin gets back or would you like to rest? It's been a long day..." 

"You can go to your room. I'm sure your boyfriend is wondering if you arrived safely." Vanessa threw me a cheeky smile. "I'll come get you for dinner." I smiled tensely and went to my room. It was an adjoining suite, but it also had its own entrance from the hall. I checked to make sure my keycard worked. I immediately rolled all my things into the room then flopped onto the bed. It was like laying in a cloud. I pulled out my phone and sent Brian a text.

Me: I know it's late, but I'm currently laying in a bed that's as soft as clouds look fluffy ☁️

BM Brian: Nice! Now I can go to bed knowing you made it! I wish you would've called... I miss you...

Me: Please, don't wait on me! However...I'm flattered you're keeping track of the time 🥰 I miss you, too... Also, I told my boss you're my boyfriend. She can't wait to meet you "properly" 😓

BM Brian: Ooh, sounds ominous... We should invite them to dinner!

Me: What?! No. Way. These are the Miranda's! I don't even have a dinner table!

BM Brian: Relax, we don't have to do it at your place. We can use mine

Me: ...

BM Brian: I was joking! 🤪

Knock! Knock! Knock! Three sharp knocks pulled me away from my phone. I jumped up to get the door. 

"I brought dinner." Lin said without looking at me. 

"Okay, I-," My phone rang. I looked at it and saw Brian's name in big letters. I turned back to Lin who was staring at my phone in my hand.

"Are you going to get that?"

"I can call them back..."

"Y/N, you're in another country. Anyone calling you is calling with purpose."

"I'm about to have dinner and then shower. I'll call them back..."

"Y/N. Answer. The phone." Lin's look was serious. I slowly hit the answer button.


"Babe, I was joking about the dinner thing. Obviously, we can go out with them somewhere..." Brian babbled.

"Brian, I-" I tried to interrupt.

"We don't even have to have dinner with them. We don't need a formal dinner. We don't need dinner. We can shake hands when you get back..."


"Okay you lead it. I don't even have to meet them. It's not a big deal."



"Uhm, I'm not mad or anything. I just had to get the door. We're about to have dinner." I added the last part quietly. "I'll text you before bed okay?"

"Oh good. It would've been so awkward to have a disagreement while you're across the ocean."


"One of your bosses is standing in front of you?"


"Okay, don't forget to text me. Bye and sorry!"

"It's okay. Bye..." I hung up. Lin's face was unreadable. "Uhm, I'm just going to leave my phone here." I said stepping backwards. Lin stepped forward. I froze. Lin was looking me in the eyes. He stepped forward again and I stepped backward. He backed me up and shut the door. I glanced over at the door. I walked backwards into a wall and Lin trapped me between his arms and the wall. Lin's head dipped towards mine slightly and I couldn't move. He paused.

"Y/N, I'm going to kiss you. If you want me to stop, push me now." He held my gaze. I put my hands on Lin's chest then I pulled him towards me.

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