Chapter 3

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Clovers POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon coming from down stairs. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I got up and quickly got ready for school. I was excited to attend Derry High, it was the same high school my father had gone to as well as my grandmother before him. As I made my way down the stairs I could hear my grandmother humming from the kitchen. "Morning" I said happily as I took a seat at the kitchen table.

"Good morning beautiful. I hope you slept good, I made us some breakfast" her sweet voice replied as she set a full plate in front of me. "Thanks, smells great" I smiled. She handed me a fork before taking a seat in the chair next to mine. We talked for a while and ate our breakfasts, enjoying one another company. My grandmother was the sweetest women I had ever met, I loved spending time with her.

"Well I think you ought to get going, wouldn't want to be late on your first day, baby" grandma said patting me on the head as she began to clear the table. I hopped up quickly grabbing the plates from her and taking them to the sink. I washed them quickly despite grandmas nagging for me to leave it be. Drying my hands I turned around and headed for the door.

"Have a good day, I love you" I said, throwing my backpack over my shoulder as I kissed her cheek on the way out. "Love you too" I heard her say back as the front door closed behind me. I hopped in dads car and headed off down the road. It didn't take me long to find the school, the town after all was very small. I pulled to a stop in the parking lot and yanked my keys from the ignition. Grabbing my bag, I headed off towards the front doors.

Dew coated my sneakers as I made my way through the schoolyard. I noticed everyone gathered in groups around the build doors, some just chatting, others rushing to finish there homework before class begun. I didn't have to bother getting a schedule, my grandmother had gotten it for me before I arrived. I guess she was especially eager.

I pulled out the folded paper and looked for my locker number. 107. I wandered the hallway, scanning the metal printed numbers in search of the right one. After what seemed like a lifetime I found it next to the girls bathroom, how convenient. It took a few try's but I got it open. The hinge creeked as I pulled the door making me cringe. I dug through my bag, grabbing a small rectangle from the bottom.

The corners were frayed and bent from keeping it in my pockets so long. I grabbed a piece of tape and stuck it to the inside of my locker door. It was a picture of me and my dad. I couldn't have been any older then 11. My dark hair was tied up in a messy pony tail obviously done by my father and my bangs where stuck to my sweaty forehead.

My eyebrows were knit together in a look of concentration. We were sitting on the dock at the lake house and he was showing me how to put the worms on the hook for fishing. I could vividly recall being disturbed by the process and every time dad looked away I had grabbed worms and shoved them in my pockets to 'save them'. Mom had scolded me harshly for doing so.

Sighing I closed my locker, shrugging my backpack onto my shoulders as I turned around. Immediately I noticed a tall boy standing on the other side of the hallway. His hair was dark and his eyes where piercingly green. He was leaned up against the lockers and his arms where crossed tightly over his chest. A couple of other boys stood around him, talking to each other as the dark hair boy stared me down.

His eyes seemed to be locked on me, as if he had been staring at me the whole time I was there, but his face showed no emotion. Slowly, the corner of his mouth twitched into a smirk. Nervously, I readjusted my backpack straps and started off towards my first class. I glanced back as I was walking, curious if he was still looking, but to my surprise him and his friends were no where in sight.

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