Day: 16 - Another Passenger and A Day Out

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A/N: I KNOW!!! I took forever and a half just to upload this darn story! But thanks for being patient. And here you go! I hope you don't hate it! :) x

Niall's POV

"Niall?" I heard Belle's voice call out from around the corner.

"Yes babe?" I flashed her a smile which caused her to smile. I loved that about her. When ever I'd smile, she couldn't help but smile back. Even when she was mad.

"I'm going to miss you when you leave for America." She stated as her eyes wandered to the table counter, where she was currently sitting.

"It'll only be for two months." I told her hoping to ease her. 

"I wished that you could just stay with me." She pouted. Gosh, she looked super adorable like that. 

"Don't worry love. We can work something out. Like Skype. Liam and Dani do it all the time." I assured her. "Well I have to go love. The lads and I have a meeting." I announced. I gave a quick peck on the lips then made my way out of the hotel room. The rest of the boys were already outside waiting for me.

"Good morning Niall." The boys greeted.

"Top of the mornin'" I greeted them back.

"Ah, spoken like a real Irish man. I love that about you Niall." Louis brought me into a tight hug. I just laughed.

"Okay, so the girls said that they were going to hang out with Cole." Liam mentioned.

"Yeah, El told me something about trying to get her to go out and go shopping, if the doctors and nurses let her." Louis stated.

"I heard. I gave El my credit card to give to Cole." I told them.

"Me too." Zayn laughed. 

"Sasha told me that the girls invited her to hang out too." Harry added. 

"So you really like this girl Haz?" Louis asked Harry.

"I don't know. I like her, but I don't know how long we'll last. She's a nice girl, but I don't see us, being together too long." Harry was honest.

"Well mate, don't break her heart." Zayn put in his two cents. Harry sighed.

"That's the last thing I want." Harry muttered.

While we were walking to management, which was a few floors above us, I remembered what Belle was telling me. She wanted to be with me. The thought was really flattering, but I already had Cole. I couldn't push management to bring another person on tour… could I? I think I'd just be pushing it. 

"Hey boys, I've got a question.

"What is it Niall?" Liam asked.

"It's about Belle. Do you think it would be asking for much if she came with us to America?" I questioned, scanning the boy's face for their expressions.

"Well, kind of." Louis stated.

"You do already have Cole with you." Liam added.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I was skeptical about inviting Belle. But she said she's going to miss me and we just started dating. I don't want our relationship to end before it even began." I admitted. 

"I know what we can do Niall. How about I take Cole as my guest and Belle can be yours. I mean, Cole is my girlfriend." Zayn suggested. I don't know why, but it really got on my nerves at the fact that he wanted to take Cole as his guest. I know it was only natural since they were dating, but some part of me didn't want it to be true. I thought about it for a while and looked at the other boys for any disagreements.

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