"The Deity really is unfair huh?" I admired you as if you were something far more precious than diamonds or gold. you are, I'll remind you of that with no hesitation. yet this world is cruel, i can't promise you happiness... i can't promise you love...
Taehyung rushed inside the tall building and approached the lady in the counter "C-Can i ask where my meeting with mr. Pd-nim?" She looked up from her list then looked back down "Name?" She asked
"Kim Taehyung" She scanned her computer as she told Taehyung the direction to Mr. Pd-nims Office.
Taehyung gently knocked on the Door as he heard a "Come in" and went inside.
"Good morning Mr. Pd-nim, I came to apply for the Sub Vocal position?" He motioned me to sit on the chair infront of him "Sure did, Now tell me more about you."
Park Jimin POV
"Good morning boy's! Now that we have our Sub Vocalist, I'll be introducing you the Lyrics and Beats of the Song made specially by our producer. I've already written your names there which indicates your part." The Three of them were given a set of papers with the lyrics of the Song their written is on.
"Is everything set?" The staff nodded "Alright."
"Special Acoustic Medley by Jimin, V and Jin. 3... 2... 1 start!."
The Room was filled with none other than the Voices of what they described as Angels and they were somewhat calling them to heaven by song. The Staff of course seemed like they were in trance as their eyes never left the trio.
You can feel every emotion just by hearing them sing. Their faces too showed that they are pouring they're whole heart out as they make every effort count in making this song immensely beautiful though in reality, no words can truly explain how much it touched the heart of the people that heard.
"Whoa na.. na na~" The Song ended with Jimin's sweet and overwhelming voice.
The staff applauded the three like they've won a trophy from an award show. "That... was absolutely OUTSTANDING!" their vocal coach complemented
The staff continued praising the three though the manager stood there "There seems to be something missing.." he thought as he approached the trio
"Great job you three! Your voices were amazing, we'll be uploading it after we finish editing it. Though i can't help but feel like something is lacking.."
"There's lots of Kids posting song covers online, how about you describe the type of voice you need?." Their Vocal coach said
"A Smooth voice..." he started off "very light and smooth falsetto, I'd also like it if they were to use their vibrato similar to Jimin's. A voice that is peaceful and a voice that makes the listeners gain calmness from it."
"Roger that!"
Noon came, Jimin and Taehyung went back to Jungkook's house to go pick up Haeun since she decided to stay with Taehyung because she had "business" with him, Jimin thought it was sketchy but payed no attention to whatever they were gonna do.
"I'll visit you whenever i can so don't go crying in your room saying you miss me alright?." Haeun gave her older brother one last hug "yeah yeah, you should go now.."
"See you later Jungkook!" Jungkook chuckled slightly as he returned the 'See you later' to her as she went to catch up with Taehyung and Jimin.
"Why see you later and not Goodbye?" Taehyung asked
"Because a goodbye sounds like you'll never see each other--" Haeun was cut off by Jimin
"And a see you later sounds more convincing when you really want to see each other again." Both Haeun and Taehyung looked at Jimin the same time
"How'd you know?" She asked "A friend of mine told me that once.. she left before i got to say goodbye"
Taehyung felt uneasy "is he trying to make Haeun feel guilty?" He thought
"That's a shame." No one spoke up after that. The silence made things more awkward.
Short chapter since i have a tight schedule and have lots of art requests i need to do on amino, other than that how are you guys :D, if you have a bad day you can rant out in the comments.
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