An UnBungalievable Storm

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Back at the falls was a resting Lion Guard. They spent the past week trying to find out who those unknown encounters were, but they found nothing and figured they weren't a problem anymore. Little did they know Mother Nature had plans of her own.. 

- 5 Hours Later -

Thunder crashed as the Lion Guard raced outside the lair. "This storm is crazy!" Kion yelled above all the noise from the wind, thunder, lightning, and flying objects. "Yeah! Even crazier then Bunga!" Fuli added, rolling her eyes. "Hey! I'm not that crazy!" Bunga protested. "Guys split up, we'll cover more ground!" Kion continued. "But Kion, what if anyone gets hurt? What if you get hurt!" Ono said worriedly. "Quit squawking Ono, we're the Lion Guard, we can do anything." Bunga said putting his hand over Ono's beak. "Right. 'Til the Pride Lands end-" Kion started. "Lion Guard defend!" The rest finished. 

- 2 Hours Later -

The Lion Guard met up at the lair as they finished getting all the animals to safety. "We're all here? Good. Kion what's next?" Fuli asked as she had realized she hadn't gotten a response, "Kion?" Fuli asked again. "He's not here." Beshte pointed out. "We see that, Ono see if you can find hi-" Fuli was cut off by a familiar voice, "No need for that. I'm right here." It was Kion, but he was limping. "Phew! What a relief. I thought for sure you were dead." Bunga said, slouching down on Beshte's leg. "Well I'm obviously not dead, Bunga. But I did sprain my paw." Kion responded, a bit of annoyance was very noticeable in his voice. But you can't blame him, it's just Bunga being Bunga. "Then it's off to Rafiki for us then, quickly before the rain falls harder, I'm already wet." Fuli said, pushing the others along. After they arrived at Rafiki's tree and explained what happened, Rafiki examined Kion's paw, "It is just a sprain, but you should not put to much pressure on it; it may cause uncontrollable bleeding." "Right.... no pressure," Kion groaned. "Relax Kion. And I'll watch him Rafiki." Fuli said stepping up. "I am sure you will, like you always are." Rafiki smirked. "What? What do you me-" Rafiki cut Fuli off not wanting to spoil the future. "Okay then..." Kion said, his voice and ears lowered. He was obviously upset, as he hated being babysat, especially by Kiara. She always treated him like a newborn. 

- At the lair -

The Lion Guard was resting in they're usual spots. Kion, who was laying down with his head on his paws, said nothing the whole time. "Come on Kion, just smile for once!" Bunga said using his hands to try and make a smile. "I don't know Little B, no one likes being babysat." Beshte said from his pool of water. "Beshte's right.. although I hate to say it, but so is Bunga. At least you still get to fight, Kion. Just take it easy." Fuli suggested. "Says the person who can't stop and take for rest for at least a minute!" Kion snapped. "Well I'm a cheetah! Cheetahs don't need to rest!" Fuli growled back. And just like that a whole other argument started. About thirty minutes later, Kion and Fuli were done talking, literally. They were just staring at each other with cold glares. But to break the silence, "Lion Guard! Lion Guard HELP!" "Come on guys! It looks like another- OOF!" Bunga was cut off by a branch smacking him in the face. Luckily, it was enough to make Kion and Fuli laugh. "Looks like another storm.. I think it's a-" Ono started, but was cut off by Kion, "Twister!" "But, it's not the dry season yet!" Beshte said while leading some animals into a cave. "Well this is easy! Why don't you just roar that twister away?!" Bunga cheered. "Can't, it's right in front of pride rock. If my roar is strong enough to pick up Pride Rock, what do you think will happen if I roar directly at it?" Kion said as they split up to lead the animals to safety. "Oh, good point." Bunga said. Suddenly, thunder roared and lighting crashed while rain fell hard. The twister had scooped up the Lion Guard and was making them all dizzy. "Whoaaa! I'm g-getting dizzy!" Bunga said trying to find Beshte and cling onto him. "We all a-are Bunga!" Fuli said clinging onto Kion as he was the closest one to her. A slight blush wasn't noticeable on Kion's cheeks, but it was there. "Everyone, hang onto something, quick!" Kion said as the others did as they were told. Kion got an idea and roared straight down at the bottom of the twister, it disappeared. "Wow! That, was, UNBUNGALIEVABLE!" Bunga cheered. "Yeah, but, what about the hole?" Ono asked. "It should fill up with water soon and become a spring." Kion answered, before wincing and looking at his paw which was bleeding. "I told you to take it easy." Fuli said also looking at his paw. Kion just rolled his eyes. "He'll be fine Fuli. Right Kion?" Bunga said before turning to Kion, "Right Bunga." "When your paw falls off, don't come crying." Fuli said with slight sarcasm. "Trust me, I won't." Kion said smirking. "Still, that was An UnBungalievable Storm!" Bunga said, hopping on Kion's back. "Sure was Little B." Beshte added.  

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