Chapter two

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The square was overcrowded with people looking stiff and unnatural in their best outfits, but Dean only saw two of them.
The two he was walking beside, the two most important people in his life- the two he would die for in a second.
Sammy and their adoptive father of sorts, a man named Bobby Singer.
He was an old friend of father's, but out of the two Bobby was the one who actually came through and took care of the boys.
He had been Dean's hero for as long as the boy could remember.
All he wanted in life was to make the old man proud, see his rare smile and know that he, Dean Winchester, had been the one to put it there.
That he wasn't quite as useless as father thought he was.
Now was not the time to be thinking about father- the man had disappeared again a few weeks ago, without saying anything of course, but it shouldn't matter.
The three of them were family- a real family. Like Bobby always said, family don't end in blood.
He was right, of course- he was usually right, about basically everything- but this particular truth was especially accurate.
So Dean forced a smile, for Bobby but especially for Sam.
"So, if I get chosen-"
He looked significantly down at his little brother.
Sammy sighed heavily, shaking his head. "Dean, we go over this every year and every year it's the same thing. Do I really have to say it all again?"
Dean didn't bother with a response, his green eyes sharp enough that the message was clear.
The younger boy sighed again.
"If you get chosen, I go home with Uncle Bobby. I can't make a fuss or anything, cus the peacekeepers hate it when people make fusses, so I just stay with him.
We try and get word to dad, then - then we come say goodbye.
I stay with Uncle Bobby until you're back, no matter what.
If dad tries to come and pick me up-"
"Uncle Bobby will deal with him."
Bobby, Sam and Dean finished together.
Sam's face scrunched up, the way it always did when he was fighting tears.
"Dean, you- you won't get called, will you?"
His hazel eyes met Dean's, pleading and frightened, and Dean's heart constricted with the desire to reassure him.
Thankfully, a group of  peacekeepers forcefully separating the three of them prevented Dean from having to answer.
He twisted to catch Sammy's eye again and smiled, hoping to remind his little brother that nothing could happen as long as Dean was here and looking out for him.
The kid grinned back, but his face was still tight with nerves.
Dean shot Bobby a smile as well, but the older man looked pained.
He was a level headed, intelligent man, always in control of every situation, but reaping day was the exception.
Bobby couldn't stomach the fact that one of his boys could be pulled from the relative safety and happiness of their little world and thrown into the arena, forced to kill or be killed.
But there was nothing he could do about it. There was nothing anyone could do.
Or so most people believed.
Dean turned to face the stage but his mind was still whirling.
Just last week he and Gale had discussed the possibility of a revolution, an uprising against the capital and President Snow.
Gale was passionate and prepared to sacrifice anything for the cause, ready to do something drastic on the slight chance of succeeding or at least inspiring others to fight back.
His fervor had excited Dean, but the thought of the inevitable, brutal repercussions from the capital- against Bobby and Sammy, maybe even father- held his own spirit in check.
Now, Dean almost wished he had listened to his friend.
If there was any chance, even the slightest, that they could've prevented this horror, they should've taken it.
Dean glanced around the square.
Where was Gale?
They normally stood together at the reaping, inseparable as always, giving each other strength, pretending to be oblivious of all the admiring teen girls jostling to stand next to them.
Of course, Gale only wanted one girl to notice him, had only ever wanted her approval.
Sure enough, Dean smiled as he spotted Gale's broad shoulders towering over the crowd- right next to Katniss Everdeen.
His friend had been crazy about the girl for a few months, but they had been close friends nearly as long as Dean and Gale had.
Katniss seemed like a nice girl- intelligent, quiet, a skilled hunter - but Dean had never really gotten close to her.
He suspected it was a mutual jealousy.
In district twelve, having friends was uncommon due to a lack of time and freedom. If you had one, you held on to them with everything in you.
They were yours and you were theirs.
But Gale belonged to Katniss as much as he did to Dean.
It was a slightly uneasy situation, but Dean knew Gale had enough affection for both of them.
Plus, Dean was a brother to him while Katniss- she didn't seem to reciprocate Gale's feelings, oddly enough, but she would before long if she had any sense.
So there was no way it was a competition.
That didn't mean it was easy to share his best - his only- friend.
Effie Trinket's familiar giggle cut through Dean's musing, and he fixed his eyes on her dutifully as she began the usual boring speech.
Her voice was grating and she giggled much too often for someone about to condemn innocent children to death.
Most people in district twelve hated Effie, but Dean felt sorry for her in a strange way.
Yes she was stupid and callous but she had been raised that way.
If he had grown up in the capital, would he have been any different?
"In honor of the seventy fifth year of the games, the conditions for this quarter quell are-" Effie's voice literally shook with excitement as she looked at the paper in her hand.
"The conditions for this quarter quell are- each district shall provide TWO male and female tributes to participate!"
Dean swallowed hard against the familiar nausea.
Four tributes?
Effie's voice rang out again. "And may the odds be ever in your favour."

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