Chapter three

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The square was dead silent.
All eyes were fixed on Effie.
She beamed, reaching for one of the jars full of names.
"Ladies first- Primrose Everdeen!"
For a moment no one moved.
Then the cameras zoomed in on a tiny girl with long blonde braids and a petrified expression. Dean's heart stopped.
The girl was smaller than Sammy. Peacekeepers surrounded her, leading her towards the stage.
Suddenly a scream pierced the air.
"Prim! No- no, no I- I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!"
Everyone turned to stare as Katniss Everdeen stepped forwards.
Effie gasped delicately, and a smile spread across her face.
"A volunteer. Come up here, darling."
The Peacekeepers moved from Primrose to her older sister, pulling Katniss towards the stage. Dean studied her, his mind racing.
A volunteer.
Everyone knew that volunteering was an option- in Districts one, two and four, the career districts, it was considered a great honour to participate in the games.
Children trained in hunting and fighting from a young age and prayed not to be reaped - because someone would volunteer in their place if they were.
But Dean had never heard of a volunteer from district twelve.
He silently thanked Katniss for the reminder, risking a glance across the crowd at Sammy. His little brother was staring at him.
The kid looked so small and vulnerable that for a crazy moment Dean seriously considered pushing through the crowd and taking his baby brother into his arms.
Before he could get himself killed doing something so stupid, Effie spoke.
"Our first female tribute, Miss Katniss Everdeen!"
Effie reached into the jar again.
"Madge Undersee."
The mayors daughter?
Gale hated her because, as the only daughter of a wealthy and powerful man, Madge had a relatively easy life.
She had never been forced to enter the tesserae, or work until she literally passed out, or risk her life sneaking out to hunt because her family was starving.
Dean had always admired her kind spirit but Gale's opinion was gospel so he maintained a friendly distance.
Madge was a friendly girl, but Dean strongly suspected she wanted to be more than friends - with him.
She had come close to admitting it once.
Too close.
Ever since, Dean had withdrawn even further from her charms.
Still, every once in awhile he still caught her staring with such a soft, longing expression-
Shaking himself back to the present, Dean watched as Madge stepped forwards without hesitating, her pretty face smooth.
For someone who should've never been chosen, she was handling it awfully well.
She stepped onto the platform beside Katniss and took a deep breath.
Her hazel eyes were tranquil, chin lifted determinedly.
Dean shook his head in wonder.
Screw Gale, he regretted stepping back from her advances.
This girl was something else.
He hardly noticed Effie's witty remarks as she moved on to the other jar.
"Peeta Mellark."
Dean's heart sank.
Out of all the eligible kids in district twelve, somehow only people he knew and cared about were being reaped.
Peeta was a bakers son, on the smaller side, a gentle soul who preferred decorating cakes to wrestling the other boys- all of which made him a prime target for teasing.
Peeta wasn't a close friend, but Dean had known him all their lives and protected him from bullies getting too physical more than once.
He'd received plenty of bruises and a broken bone or two doing so, but it was always worth it to see the smile in the younger boys eyes.
At the moment, though, Peeta's usual good natured smile was nowhere in sight.
He looked shocked, then fear washed over his face.
Dean winced in sympathy.
Madge had taken it all much better, despite how unexpected it must have been for her.
As Peeta slowly walked forwards, Effie reached back into the jar.
"And our final tribute is-"
Effie paused for dramatic effect.
Peeta, looking desperately through the crowd, met Dean's gaze.
He quickly dropped his eyes to the ground. Dean cursed mentally.
The poor kid was already close to tears, he should've been careful not to be caught staring. As if the terror wasn't enough, let's just heap some shame on there too.
"Sam Winchester!"
Dean was so distracted trying not to embarrass Peeta further that it took a few seconds for the words to register.
By the time he realized what she had just said, Effie was beaming at Sam as the crowd parted for him to get up to the stage.
Sammy's chin was high and he walked confidently, but Dean could see the panic in his eyes as he stepped forwards.
This wasn't possible.
This was Sammy's first year in the reaping, and he was only entered once.
Dean's name was entered thirty nine times. How had Sammy been drawn?
Without thinking, Dean wrenched out of line and hurried forwards.
Three Peacekeepers appeared in front of him, but instinct took over and he dispatched them in seconds.
He wasn't letting Sammy get too close to Effie. In an astonishingly short amount of time, two of the Peacekeepers lay unconscious and the third wobbled uncertainly between passing out and getting up to fight again.
A voice rang out across the square, firm and clear with a hint of attitude.
"I volunteer as tribute."
Dean felt himself smirking confidently.
To a casual onlooker, he was excited to volunteer, yes, but also slightly bored with the whole thing.
Haughty, almost.
Of course, the flawless way he pulled this off was no accident.
Thanks to years of 'I'm not hungry anyways, Sammy', 'It doesn't hurt', 'you need it more than I do kid' and 'I'm fine', Dean was a skilled liar.
Even Effie was speechless, and everyone present seemed to hold their breath as he stepped up onto the stage.
"And what is your name?"
Effie's smile widened.
"Dean Winchester."
Still grinning, Dean stepped back to stand beside Peeta.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you Katniss Everdeen, Madge Undersee, Peeta Mellark and Dean Winchester- district twelve's tributes for the seventy fifth hunger games!"

I volunteer as tribute- a Supernatural x Hunger Games crossover Where stories live. Discover now