Chapter 4: Life or Death

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🐺Ashley's POV 🐺

We were in my room with the still unconscious hedgehog in my bed. I "accidentally" shot him in the leg with a tranquilizer gun that my dad Brought into the garage with him and it had been an hour later and this guy is STILL knocked out!

Before I knew it, Fiver and Bigwig began mockingly poking him in the nose. Luke did it as well but he did it just once and did it not very rudely like Fiver and Bigwig.

Hazel rolled his eyes when he sees his brother began slapping the blue hedgehog in the face.

Hazel: Fiver! Stop being so scornful!

Fiver: This is not being scornful! This is trying to wake this hell of a hedgehog for frith sake!

Luke: Hell of a hedgehog! Ha! Good one, Runt! 😏

Fiver: don't you dare call me a runt, Lark!


Fiver: tch! Sucks to be you!

Hazel: Will you shut up Fiver!

Fiver: No..........will you?

Bigwig: *snickers*

Hazel: *dumbfounded*

Rico: 😳 Wow, I was NOT expecting THAT! (OHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! HAZEL GOT ROASTED!!!!!!!!)

As everyone was chatting, I took out the photo and the blue quill and compared it to the hedgehog. My eyes widen when I see that blue quill matches the color of the hedgehog's fur perfectly and the photo was about the same shape as him.

Ashley: (The Blue Devil!)

As Fiver and Bigwig still teases the sleeping hedgehog, I was starting to get a bit thirsty due to all the screaming I did when encountering the hedgehog. I was about to leave the room to get something to drink until I saw my dad leaning on the door of his room where we placed him in when he was out cold by that thing.

He then turns to me walks towards me with a worried look in his eyes.

Ace: Ashley! Are you ok!?

Ashley: I'm ok, dad. The real question is are you ok? You and my uncles got pretty beaten up there!

Ace: I'm ok sweetie. But what matters now is that whoever gave me this black eye is now gone! Am I right?

I gulped and began sweating when he mentioned about the blue hedgehog. My dad frowned and cocked an eyebrow.

Ace: Ashley? Do you have something to tell me?

Ashley: w-well....uhhh....about that "whoever" you were talking about.....

Rico: uhhhh........Ashley?

Ace: uhhhh? Who the hell are you?

Ashley: Dad! This is Ri—

Rico: Rico Jamison! And you must be—

Ace: Ace Ketchum! Pleased to meet you.

Rico: well uh—

Luke: *pushes Rico away* pleased to meet you too and WE GOT BIT OF A—

???: *groans* why is everyone yellin'?

My dad then began looking towards my room with suspicion in his eyes.

Ace: uhhhh.....Ashley? Who. Was. That?

Ashley: *sigh* come in!

As we went into my bedroom, we saw the hedgehog was sitting up on my bed. He was a bit groggy but he was awake.

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