Chapter 3

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"Feeling sick, Potter?" Malfoy asked me.
I pun around to face him. "Shut it, Malfoy."
"I heard you got your own dorm..." he said, trailing off.
"And?" I questioned, annoyed.
"Only the best for the saviour," he says, dramatically bowing.
"Sod off," I said, continuing to walk down the corridor. Malfoy followed.
"Why are you still following me? Go away."
Out of the corner of my eye I could see him smirking. "Bite me."
I looked back at him. I smirked and I said, "Maybe I will." His face slowly turned red.

Satisfied with the look of shock on his face, I headed off to the common room.


"Ron. You will not believe what just happened," I said, throwing my bags in front of him.
"Bloody Hell, what happened?" Ron whined.

I then explained to him what Malfoy said, and how I reacted.

"Do you think he knows...?" Ron asked.
"Well. I don't think so... It doesn't matter though. He so angry! I swear he'll try to hex me next time I see him."


"Harry! You shouldn't have said that! He probably thought you were a Vampire, he is a pureblood."

I looked at her. "And him being a pureblood means...?"
"That he'd know the signs!"
"Oh," I simply say.

I glanced over at the Slytherin table, my eyes meeting Malfoy's. He immediately looked back at his food.


After breakfast, we started walking to our first class together. I had noticed that more people were staring... Than usual.

" Um, 'Mione?" I whisper to her. She turned to me, waiting for me to speak. "Peaople are staring... More than normal..."
She smacked my arm. "I told you!" she harshly whispered. "The whole pureblood population in school probably knows!"

Ron rubbed my arm soothingly. I smile thankfully at him.


Later, while in my dorm, my throat felt dry. Like I hadn't drank water in days. My fangs were uncomfortable in my mouth.

Me being me, I had forgotten where the supply of blood was in thee dorm. I didn't wnat to leave the dorm, because I feared that I would do something I would regret.

I flopped back on the bed
I layed there for a minute or so before getting up and looking around the dorm.

After looking for a max of twenty minuted, I gave up.

I was starting to feel tired- no- drained.

I needed to drink, and soon.


After a while, I had given up waiting in my dorm room, and decided to walk to McGonnagal's office. Under the invisibility cloak, of course.

I was about half way there, when I bumped into Malfoy. Quite literally. He staggered back, looking around.

I took the cloak off my head. His eyes widened, then his brows furrowed.

"Potter? What are you doing out here? There's no one to 'save'."
"You know about me, right?" I said, suddenly.
"Know what, Potter? That you're a prat?" he said, rolling his eyes. I gave him a look. He sighed. "Yeah. Whatever, I figured it out when I saw you getting off the train. You didn't think to put a glamour charm on?" he paused. Giving a smirk, he said, "Oh wait! You can't think!"
"Whatever, I need to go," I said, trying to push past him.
He grabbed my arm pulling me back. "I don't think so-"

I snapped my head back to face him. He froze, letting go of my arm.

"Potter. Calm down."

I ignored him, and grabbed his arm.

"Potter-" he struggled, trying to pull away.

"Mr. Potter!" a voice yelled.

We both turned our heads. It was McGonnagal. She had her wnad pointed at me.

"Let go of Mr. Malfoy, now," she said, and I do as she instructed. "Draco, you are not to speak of this. Understood?"

He nodded quickly, then sped down the corridor.

"Potter, explain."

BITE  // Drarry(Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now