1. New Beginning...?

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I understood one thing about life, nothing's going to last forever. I know I might sound stupid or even philosophical however that's the harsh reality of today's world, nothing is permanent, and not even your family or friends even your own existence is temporary.

You don't know when you will die, but you know that one day you will. While one day you will be gone forgood, people will move on from you, some might take time but eventually they all will. Nonetheless they will carry your memories with them both bad and good, always.

Someday you'll realize whatever happens, always happens for a reason and from that day on you will start to see the world from a different perspective. That day you will realize, you can't control anything and everything...


"Aadya! Kid come downstairs your father's here." My mum called from our living-room downstairs.

Dad is finally here, I'm so eager at the same time anxious to go back to my hometown where I grew up and lived for sixteen years of my life, Mumbai.

"Yes mom, just five minutes!" I shouted from my room and zipped the last bag. My parents are divorced and now my mother lives with her parents, I was also living with them for two years until now because of some reasons.

When they separated, things did not turn out to be bad for my family except for my nosey relatives and their so-called concerns. For me and my brother surely the news was unsettling and upsetting but our parents never made us feel that we were not their priority, they were always there for us.

When I turned sixteen my mother shifted back to Pune with her parents, my grandparents, to take care of them and insisted I should come with her for some reasons. My father and brother always visited me whenever they could so I never complained and never did them.

It's been two years now since I've been living with my mom and grandmother. These two years have been distressed for me and my family. Now I'm eighteen and going to attend college so my father suggested that I should come back to Mumbai for further studies and this will give us three to spend some more time together..

Shaking my head, I stood up from my bed and looked around my room now old room, 'I'll come back' I thought! Yes, I talk to myself I'm weird that way...
I picked Mr. Bucky up from the bed and went out of my old room with my luggage. 

When I came down from the stairs, I noticed my father and mother talking, very seriously and Nanu was sitting in the living room with my best friend Ved.

Papa came to me as soon as he realized my presence and hugged me tightly and stroked my head softly, I snuggled my head against his chest. I missed him so much.

"Hey kiddo! I am sorry from your brother's side, he had some work to do, so he couldn't make it." Papa explained as he noticed me looking for my brother. 

"Hey Dad, It's fine. I mean he has just started working in the company so he must be busy. I totally understand, I'll meet him there then! I smiled at Dad. I'm so excited to go back to Mumbai!

I glanced at Ved and saw him looking down at the floor, "Oii Papa bear!" I called him and he stared at me before speaking.

"Aadu bear don't go na please!" He whined. "How will I handle Raina alone? She might kill me in my sleep." He's exaggerating now. That girl is the apple of his eyes but still he needs to say this stupid stuff. Dumbass!

"Aye dumbass she's your girlfriend treat her right while I'm gone or else, I will kill you while you're sleeping!" I threatened him and he looked scared, obviously I was joking but he doesn't need to know that.

"Yes ma'am! Aadu you know I love her so you don't worry and ha please take care of yourself there!" he saluted then begged me. Ugh why does he have to remind me!

"Okay kid come here now!" Mum turned to with her arms wide open, as I embraced her and tears gathered in my eyes. 

"Maa I'm going to miss you all so much!" I sobbed in her embrace, Ved also joined us in our hug and started crying. That crybaby!

"Aww Kid you forgot your old man!" Nanu teased me and well that made the gloomy atmosphere lively again. The only person i was missing other than my brother was Nani.
She died about five months ago, I still can't believe that she's gone. I feel so bad for Nanu, he really loved her.

"Nanu how can I forget you?" I went towards him and sat on the couch beside him and hugged him softly trying my best not to hurt him. He just had his cardiac surgery, that's why we have to be careful around him.

"I'll miss you the most Nanu. Take care ok? Maa take care of him and yourself too ok? I'll try to visit frequently also take your medicines on time.!" I told them. I was trying my best not to break down in front of anyone.
Hopefully I'll be able to visit them often. I wish!

"Yes baccha. By the way the same thing applies for you, remember to take your meds on time! Now off you go or else I won't let you go!" Nanu responded.

A little later, Dad and I sat in the car and drove away to the airport. 


When our flight landed in Mumbai, I suddenly started to feel anxious and nervous. Now that I'm back here what'll happen? Hopefully everything will turn out to be good.!

"Welcome back Aadi!" I glanced at the owners of the voices, there stood my favorite cousins, Ananya and Arnav.

"Oh my God guys!! It feels so good to see you guys after so long." I beamed at them and embraced them in a hug. Yeah, I'm a sucker for hugs.

Ananya and Arnav are twins and are a year old than me. They are my uncle's children.

"Wait here you guys, I'll get the car here." Arnav said and went to fetch his car.

"How have you been Aadi? How are Nanu and Aunty?" Ananya questioned. How am I? 
Even I'm trying to find that out myself! How can I answer something about which I'm not sure myself?

"I'm awesome Anii also Nanu and Maa are good. Nanu is still a bit sore from the surgery but he's fine" I smiled at her. 

Just then Arnav came back with the car and we all settled in and left from there.

Will this be a new beginning for me? Or everything will be same as before!

Hopefully no one will treat me like the way they did two years ago....


Hola people!!
I'm back with this new stroy of mine and I really hope you guys will like this one too.!
So what do you think of Aadya?
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- Ayushi ♡

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