Tegan : mom I'm going out see u in a few day
Mom : have fun at your dads
Tegan : i will

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to jennas picking her up

Jenna : thank u
Tegan : right where are we going all got was get to mine asap
Jenna : beach were meeting corey and Daniel
Tegan : the guys from yeserday
Jenna : yh
Tegan : so whats happening with u and corey
Jenna : i don't know he just said do u wanna go to beach u can ask if Tegan or someone else can come
Tegan : ah ok
Jenna ; man it sounds weird atchally saying your real name and not cooper
Tegan : it sounded weird
Jenna : yh I'm sticking to cooper or bub
Tegan : your names always gonna be bub or jen
Jenna : good
Tegan : so did u tell Corey what your in
Jenna : he asked and just said that we were in a show togtger on Nickelodeon .
Tegan : ok
Jenna : it's fun making people guess
Tegan : it is

I carry on driving untill we get to the beach and we find corey and Daniel

Jenna : hey
Corey ; hi
Daniel : we've been here for ages
Tegan : traffic is bad
Corey ; and we don't care about waiting
Jenna : sorry
Corey : its fine your here mean your both here now
Daniel : smooth
Corey : like u can do any better
Daniel ; i could
Corey : sure
Tegan : james just messaged
Jenna ; and me
Tegan : did u get why the hell don't u hang out with us anymore
Jenna ; yh
Tegan ; i just told him chill the fuck out its been 2 days
Jenna : litrally what i just said
Daniel : who's james
Jenna : our frineds who annoying as fuck
Tegan : aleast its not all of them messaging us
Jenna ; i give it 5 minutes before they all start Bombardier us with messages being like u don't hang with us anymore . Have we done something do u not like us boys anymore
Tegan : yh probley
Corey : are we getting u in troble with your frineds
Jenna : yes
Corey ; sorry
Jenna ; good taking us away from them
Tegan ; well u dragged me out today
Daniel : he did the same he was Daniel get ready were meeting jenna and Tegan and not taking no for answer
Tegan : jenna just called said get to mine asap we gotta go some where and then hung up not even giving me time to reply
Daniel : sounds like they were desperate to see each other
Tegan : yh it does
Daniel : i guess there hitting it off
Tegan : yh for sure look at them
Daniel : they make me sick

We both start laughing

Tegan : feel that
Daniel : all my frineds are taken so when my frineds girlfriends come in town there all over each other they make sick
Tegan : see i don't have that problem all my frineds are single
Daniel : what can't they get anyone
Tegan : bascally mine and jennas frineds are all boys so when the boys talk to someoen and they hang out with us . The girls get pissed that the boys hang with me and jenna and get really rude to me and jenna so our frineds are just like bye . If u don't get along with our friends theres no future for us
Daniel ; ah ok well your luckey then u don't 3rd wheel
Tegan : i guess
Corey : dude jenna told me what show there on
Daniel : tell me
Corey ; a show called make it pop jennas barley in it but tegans a main charter
Tegan ; u told him
Jenna : he was begging
Daniel ; i gotta look at this
Tegan : no
Daniel ; yes
Tegan : do it in your own time
Daniel : no i gotta look
Corey : let's do it

I watch as he goes on his phone

Daniel : Three teenage girls who don't appear to have much in common, than going to the same school, come together to form a K-pop-inspired band . Diva Sun Hi, fashionista Jodi and bookworm Corki are randomly selected to room together at their boarding school. They soon go from being roommates to bandmates when assistance from classmate and aspiring DJ Caleb form a group XO-IQ.
Corey : which one is u
Tegan : corki
Daniel : who do u play
Jenna : i play someone called Heather shes not in it much
Tegan : my favorite part is still when u had to kiss dale
Jenna : don't even
Corey : wait i gotta see this kiss
Daniel : got it

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