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Most everyone in Nowhere knows Niilo as Noah's best friend. Niilo's used to that, being associated with someone else. Before he was Noah's friend, he was the kid that stayed after school every day because his mother is a teacher at the local high school. And before that, before his parents moved him to the smallest town in Sweden, he was Allison's friend. 

Niilo misses Allison, but not that much. His family moved when he was ten or so, so he doesn't remember her very well. You can't miss what you don't remember. 

He met Noah when they were both twelve. Niilo remembers the day because it was his birthday, and his mother had invited the entire grade to their backyard to drink soda and play party games. Noah had shown up at the end, having forgotten, apparently, that 12-year-olds' birthday parties tend to start before it's dark out. Niilo didn't care. The story goes that they were best friends at first sight. 

Niilo knows that Noah's family has its problems. There have been one or two times where Niilo and Noah have had to clean up after Noah's mother. And Noah is always, always counting: alcohol, pills. Niilo's mother has had problems in the past, sure, but nothing with drugs. Nothing with things that make you forget about life for a while. So Niilo's okay with just being Noah's friend.

Lately, Noah has been running more and more. Niilo knows Noah well enough to realize that means something's wrong. Again. He knows Noah doesn't like answering questions about his home life, so he doesn't ask. And anyways, Niilo will always be the one to run with Noah. They both know it. The chances of getting out of Nowhere, of not returning, are slim to none. 

Everyone tries to escape Nowhere for the big cities. Not many succeed.   

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