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"I heard you caught the flu Hyewon, I hope you're better now."

"Thanks Sir I am," she smiled at her teacher who reciprocated it, turning back to the board to begin the day's lesson. Jaemin raised his brows at her. "You said you had the flu?"

"Then what else was I supposed to say?"
"That you got shot in the leg."

Hyewon held up her fist. "I will punch you."

"No thank you, I'm good." He pushed her threatening hand back down before both of them started to listen to the class.

Crime and politics.
Sounds perfect for a gang leader - only it's not.

While she took down notes, she couldn't seem to think of any kind of linkage.
The thoughts of the murders lingered her mind throughout the whole day of school, pressuring down on her.

The sweet sound of the final bell ringing rang through the classes, everyone rushing out the doors.

Jaemin tapped her shoulder as they followed the stream of students towards the exit.

He whispered, even though no one would probably hear them over the all the loud chatter.
"How's the case coming along?"

"Terrible." Her shoulders slumped. "There's literally no evidence anywhere."

"I'm sure you'll find something soon." Jaemin patted her back, trying to comfort the girl.

But Hyewon wasn't the only one who needed comforting.
Donghyuck, who was once again in a bad mood, took big angry steps down the hallway.

It was his mother's death anniversary yesterday.
His father didn't show up like he thought he would and the anger he felt still hasn't left him- it's like he's a ticking time bomb.

He habitually went his way without paying much attention to his surroundings as people usually made way for him.

However, a boy, probably a freshman, didn't notice him, causing them to crash right into each other.

They both stumbled back a little, the boy's weak frame made him lose a little more balance than Donghyuck did. All eyes turned towards them, knowing exactly how it's about to go down.

The boy clashed into the lockers, making a few watching students jump at the sudden sound. Donghyuck stepped closer to grab him by his collar.

"Do you not watch where you're going or are you just blind?" he snarled.

The freshman, not yet educated with the fact that this school had a tempered gang leader, quivered under Donghyuck's tight grasp.
He didn't know how to react- this being the first time he was ever in a situation like this.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" He shouted at the poor boy, scaring him. The apology he was going to let out was forced back in and tears came out instead.

He snickered at what he was witnessing. "Are you kidding me?"
He stepped back, tightening his fist as everyone just stood and watch, feeling sympathy for the boy but no one stood up for him- except for her.

"What is she doing?"
"Oh Lord save her she's going to die."
"Well shit."
"Is no one going to help her?"

"What do you think you're doing?" Hyewon glared up at Donghyuck.

"My question exactly. Move."

He tried pushing past her but she stood her ground. He heaved out a sigh at her stubbornness. "Mind your own business Hyewon."

She took a step closer to him, lowering her voice.
"Look, I don't know what's your problem, but you can't just take it out on other people."

"Oh what do you know?"

"Maybe scaring people into respecting you would make you feel better, but they only do because they fear you. Is that fun for you? Is that not sad?"

He gritted his teeth, and if humans could breathe fire, he'd probably be doing that right now. The girl only added more to his frustration.

Donghyuck mumbled something under his breath before storming off, bumping past Jaemin who tried to stop him.

"Are you alright?" she asked the boy who was seemingly still shaken up. "Yea I'm fine, thanks for your help."
"No problem."

"Wait what did she say?"
"Does it matter? At least she didn't get hit or something."
"He hits girls too?"
"He's a gang leader- you never know."

The demeaning whispers didn't go unnoticed by Hyewon. She watched him as his figure became smaller down the corridor, grip tightening on the strap of his bag.

"Was I too harsh?"

"Was I too harsh?"

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