Panic and lullabys

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Evan was lying on his bed, reading a book about trees, he liked trees. It was getting late, though...and it was getting dark...and scary...Evan's heart sank, and his breathing got heavier. His eyes welled up with tears. "Not again.." he thought. "Just breathe, Evan.." he tried his best to calm himself down, but no matter what he did, he just couldn't..

Heidi was sat down on the sofa, in the living room. She was watching some crappy movie on tv. When suddenly, she heard small sobs coming from upstairs. "Evan.." Heidi gasped, and ran upstairs. She didn't bother to knock on the door, she ran inside and was greeted with Evan. Her son. Her baby boy, curled up on his bed, breathing heavily and sobbing. She hated seeing him like this.. "Evan, sweetie, what's wrong?" Heidi said, Evan had been fine all day, it was odd that he was having an anxiety attack now. Evan just flinched, and ran off to the corner of the room. He wailed, and hugged his knees. Heidi walked over to him, and crouched down in front of him. "Evan, I need you to breathe with me, okay honey? Just take nice, deep breaths.." she said, softly. Evan shakily inhaled, and did as he was told. Heidi held Evan's hand, and squeezed it tightly. "You're doing amazing, sweetheart.." she said, smiling at him.

Eventually, Evan calmed down, and sobbed. "M-mommy.." he whispered. "Shh....c'mere, honey.." Heidi whispered, opening her arms, Evan ran over to her and she wrapped her arms around him, rubbing circles on his back. She picked him up and carried him to his bed. She sat on his bed and held him close to her. Heidi looked down at her baby boy, and smiled. He smiled back, his eyelids fluttered. " tired..?" She cooed, Evan nodded. "I uh..I know this sounds really weird..but I would really like it when you would sing to me when I was little, and I was wondering if...uh.."
"You want me to sing to you?" Heidi asked. Evan only nodded his head. So she began to sing.
"Hold me, hold me when I cry
Sing to me, hold me tight..
Hold me, hold me, hold me close
Tuck me in so tight..

Please rock me
Back and forth
Sing me your sweet melodies..
Sing to me
Voice so soft
Your tender love.." Heidi finished the song, and looked down at Evan, he was asleep. "Goodnight, honey." She smiled, and kissed his forehead, tucking him into bed.

Hey guys! The song featured in this chapter is k.k. Lullaby! My sister came up with the lyrics🥰
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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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