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-Your house

- Will watch all your favorite movies and shows

- Will talk about everything

- Cuddles 24/7

- Go to bed early

- He wakes up and makes you breakfast in bed


- His house

- His mom LOVES you

- Will obviously play video games

- You guys will stay up late playing them, like 3:00am

- You'll fall asleep in his arms

- You guys will wake up super late


- His house

- Listening to him sing

- Forcing him to do facemasks 

- Lowkey likes it though

- Kisses kisses kisses

- Cuddling turns into both of you falling asleep


- Your house

- You KNOW you guys will make a blanket fort

-  Cuddles 

- Will sneak up and make food at midnight

- He will be so hyper at 1:30am 

- Have 10 blankets and even more pillows in the fort

- Will eventually fall asleep with you on top of him

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