Jack- Make ups

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Everyone was  at Jaeden's house for a party and before you and Jack had got in a little fight. It wasn't anything big but big enough to make you both upset. The whole party you and Jack were tense. The party started to die down and it was getting boring. You decided to get on your phone, but it was at 7%.

"Hey um, I'm going to go get my charger out of the car" This had been the first thing you said to Jack all night. "Ok" he said handing you the keys. You walked outside and you got to thinking that you should apologize. Even thought you didn't start it, you egged it on. 

You closed the door to the car when someone said "Hey y/n" It was Jack. "Oh, hey" It got silent between you two. "Hey listen" You both said in unison. "You go" You said. "Well I just wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier" he said. "That's what I was going to say too" you paused. "I'm sorry I made it-" You got cut off by him pressing his lips against yours.  He pulled away, " I forgive you, do-" You cut him off this time by kissing him. "I'll take that has a I forgive you kiss" He said smiling and hugging you.

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