Someone Walks in on You Two Making outttttt

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- Wyatt walked in

-He had his arms around you

- "Hey jaed- OH UM" 

- He zoomed out of there

- Jaeden is embarrassed boi

- You personally thought it was funny

- The mood is kind of ruined :/


- Jack walked in

- You were straddling him


- Then the door slammed closed

- You and Wyatt stared at the door 

- "Well where were we?" Wyatt says


- Jaeden walked in

- He was on top of you 

- "Hey so what- OH you're busy...i'll leave"

- Y'all didn't even stop

- Like jaeden was never there

- You just felt Finn smile into the kiss


- Finn walked in

- You were on his lap

- You heard the door open

- Then you guys saw Finn sprinting down the hall

- "Finn! The door!" Jack yelled

- "Eh it's fine" You said

- Then you guys went back to kissing

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