14| Dark Arts

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Seamus, Azalea and Cho Chang sat at a table together for their Dark Arts lesson, a lesson which had been appropriately renamed because it no longer helped them to protect themselves, instead, it taught them how to become those dark forces themselves

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Seamus, Azalea and Cho Chang sat at a table together for their Dark Arts lesson, a lesson which had been appropriately renamed because it no longer helped them to protect themselves, instead, it taught them how to become those dark forces themselves. Many of the Slytherins adored it, but it brought nothing but disgust to Azalea and the DA followers. Today, was a lesson that none of them wanted to take part in. Amycus Carrow herded first years in through the door and there were wide eyes all around as they saw those small, sniffling faces.

"Today, we will be learning about the Cruciatus Curse. Who can tell me about that?" he smirked wolfishly and half the class were rather reasonably frozen in horror, watching the children crowded around the front of the room. Aubrey Green looked up in fear, big green eyes watery as they met Azaleas and she hiccuped, a red handprint being very prominent on her pale cheek. This could not be a good thing. On the table to her right, Neville was positively quaking in anger.

"The Cruciatus Curse (Crucio), also known as the torture curse, is a tool of the Dark Arts and one of the three unforgivables. It is one of the most powerful and sinister spells known to wizardkind. When cast successfully the curse inflicts intense, excruciating pain on the victim. The penalty for use of this curse on another being is a life sentence in Azkaban." Neville spat out through his teeth angrily, it was a spell he was very passionate about not using, seeing as though his parents were tortured under it.

"Accurate" Amycus scoffed before continuing. "However, of course, crucio will no longer land you a prison sentence. In fact, now, in this very room today, it will grant you some house points. Here before you are some first years who were caught for not sleeping in their common room, meaning they were out of bed at night. Who wants to give it a go?" he smirked and they were horrified.

"They're children" Cho Chang demanded, standing angrily. "How can you hurt them? They're babies" she practically cried and the majority of the room.

"You see, you all need practice. Come on Cho, you know you want to" he wiggled his eyebrows and they were filled with nothing but horror. "A demonstration then, instead," he said it so fast, none of them had time to fully understand what was happening before little Aubrey Green screeched and landed in a mess on the floor. The pain was so intense, so all-consuming, that she no longer knew where she was. White-hot knives were piercing every inch of her skin, her head was surely going to burst with pain; she was screaming more loudly than she'd ever screamed in her life but thankfully, it didn't last long. Seamus Finnigan threw himself sideways into the line of magic, screeching out quickly as Azalea dropped to the floor beside little Aubrey.

"Stop!" the Hogwarts daughter demanded angrily and Amycus smirked down at her.

"Or what, Princess?" he beamed, releasing Seamus from the spell. The boy shuffled backwards using his arms to drag himself and Aubrey cradled him sweetly, thanking him a thousand times but nobody noticed because all eyes were on Azalea who stood sternly before the group of students, she wasn't going to move anytime soon and that much was clear.

The next moment, something entirely unexpected happened, the man before her shot a spell so fast at her, that she had to just and whip her wand around in a circle to catch and deflect it. Everyone was in a state of horror as they witnessed the bright neon green spell vanish into the air. They all knew what that was and it horrified them to see. Amycus had gone mad, shooting all three unforgivable in her direction and being deflected each and every time. The children on the floor shuffled back in horror, eyes wide as they watched it take place.

Neville could see that Azalea was slowly growing angrier with every deadly spell that was thrown her way and finally, she snapped. Amycus screeched out in pain and agony as he fell to the ground, his own Cruciatus curse having been shot back at him and he was suddenly screeching and whimpering. When she finally released him, he stared at her with nothing but dark fury in his eyes. Stepping forward, the ultimate unforgivable on his lips, he was interrupted.

"Amycus!" a voice demanded and it chilled them all to the bone, but not Azalea. If she wasn't such a good actress, she would've sighed in relief at the sight of Severus Snape swooping into the classroom, his voice was stern and face impassive as he spoke, this being the first time any of them had seen him in months."You know better than to kill one of your own students. Especially her" Severus scoffed and Amycus glared at him."Detention this evening, Jones" he snapped at her and vanished. Azalea was slightly taken aback by the sound of her old name but it was gladly heard because it meant that, at least for now, their duel was over.

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