21| Christmas

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Azalea and Ginny quickly bustled along the train platform, glad to see that there were many other students and parents there

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Azalea and Ginny quickly bustled along the train platform, glad to see that there were many other students and parents there. It was almost as they would have expected it to be before and they pulled their luggage behind them hastily, hands locked together and swinging between them. In their time as Hogwarts so far that year, the two of them had become sisters to one another and they wouldn't have it any other way.

When Remus and Molly finally set their eyes on the two girls for the first time in months, they had matching looks of absolute horror. Ginny and Azalea collectively looked like they had been through a series of brawls but their grins showed victory because they had survived a term at the new Hogwarts.

"What happened to you?!" Molly demanded in a shrill voice that alerted half the platform as she pulled the girls close to her, inspecting every inch of their exposed skin from Azalea bruised palms to the small cut along the left side of Ginnys jaw.

"Molly, we really have to get out of here." Remus cut in but he himself was just as shocked, as they bustled down the platform and back into the muggle world. Molly held the girls tightly to her side, protecting them from the world which did make it hard to drag their luggage along but they wouldn't have it any other way, feeling calmer with every passing second that they spent by her side. Remus marches ahead slightly but his gaze continued to flicker back to their faces, eyes horror filled and refreshing with every glance he made in their direction.

They arrived back at the border of the Weasley property with a snap and Ginny heaved for a moment, all eyes on her before she managed to regain her composure from the unpleasant experience of apparation.

"Right, we need answers." Remus rounded in them as they walked up the driveway and they were both equally shocked by his voice. He was protective, and there was anger blazing in his eyes which surprised them from the usually calm man. But the longer they thought about it, the more it made sense. You do not expect your children to return home battered and bruised from school. A place that was supposed to protect them.

"Things are changing at Hogwarts." Azalea spoke calmly and Ginny allowed her to do the talking. "Under the rule of Severus Snape, there are two new teachers. Amycus Carrow teaches Dark Arts and his sister teaches Muggle studies. The other teaches are too afraid to rebel against them because they know that if they do, they face the Death Eaters."

"I'm sorry" Remus cut it. "Did you say dark arts teacher?" Ginny and Azalea exchanged glances.

"Yes, as I said, things are changing at Hogwarts. Dark arts has replaced the former defence against classes and in the dark arts classes we learn dark spells. The unforgiveables. Amycus attempted to get us to practise them on the first years. Of course we disagreed. But punishment for rebellion is quite...." azalea cut off and Ginny took over.

"They're horrible. They beat us, throw spells at us, hang us from our wrists in the dungeons. All for rebelling and we tend to do that... a lot. Aza takes it upon herself to accept the punishment of younger students. But it's okay because we're fighting back. We have our own rebel tribe and a secret room and everything." Her voice suddenly got excited at the end, like a fan girl and Mollys face was positively red with rage, ready to explode before Azalea took back over to calm her.

"It's okay molly. We're surviving. I'm looking after them. Lavender Brown and the Patil twins have been training secretly as healers with the help of madam Pomfrey to help us. And Slughorn has been slipping us notes for useful spells on our essays. We're honestly doing fine." She smiled softly. "And we have McGonagall on our side. It's all fine."

"You are absolutely certain?"

"There's morning we can do but fight and stay strong Molly. The school has made attendance mandatory for all pure and half bloods. We spent an entire day writing to younger children's parents and begging for them to hide them and not let them return but people are scared. They don't want the death eaters on their tail all because they didn't send their kid to school" Azalea calmed. "We are okay" she added again.

"So." Ginny coughed as they neared the front door, the wheel of her trunk getting caught on a particularly large stone and jolting in her grip slightly. "What's new around here?"

"Well" molly started and looked up at Remus for a moment. "Ron's back."

The words sent a hundred emotions through Azalea in one go. To start with, it meant that the boy was safe and that gave her relief. But in the next moment, she actually considered Mollys words. The mother had said 'Ron's back' but nothing about the other two which indicated that for some reason, they had spilt up and that couldn't possibly be a good sign. Though. She couldn't help but he excited to see the ginger boy, she had missed him and his strange comments and awkwardness. The two of them hadn't been as close as the others, that much was true but they were still friends and Ron Weasley could absolutely provide Azalea Hogwarts with the answers she had been desiring for months. Hope filled her at last.

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