20| Authors Answers

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[Authors note: It has come to my attention that some of you are upset with the way I have written the story. I am aware that Cho Chang was the year above the Golden Trio and in school and consequently, would no longer be at Hogwarts during the dark year. But, there is some ambiguity regarding that fact as she can be seen in the movie in the room of requirement when Harry first returned to Hogwarts. Regardless, I have chosen to include her because I am trying to redeem some characters that I feel were overlooked.

I have given Neville strength and stamina which I know he obtained it in the final few books and movies, but was never truly explored too well. I just wanted to bring to light the strength of the other characters.

In books, the character of Ginny can sometimes be changed and made to become a bitch. And I know that originally, I had her written this way. But I wanted to show the development of her character. I've written Ginny to have trust issues because in her very first year at Hogwarts- she was betrayed by someone she had grown to trust. It was a Diary but Tom manipulated her and I think that that would have had an effect on her as a person. And slowly, as Azalea battles for their side and proves herself again and again, their relationship strengthens.

I've placed Cho in this year group because I know that she wasn't a bit of an overlooked character but she genuinely was a very smart witch for her age and she had courage. She really did care about Harry, just, because they were so young, it didn't work out.

I've given Severus Snape redeeming qualities and made him do kind things- such as saving Azalea from Amycus- because he ultimately wasn't a baddie in the stories. He wanted to be good but everyone was eager to see him as bad. Therefore, In believing him to be bad, they couldn't see the good in his actions. As the story is heavily written from Azaleas perspective, a girl who knows the truth about Severus, you get the opportunity to see things from a different perspective. That's why I have done this.

Seamus Finnigan was a character that didn't really get much screen time and I wanted to show the respect he harnesses for Harry, because they had their fair share of falling outs throughout their time at Hogwarts but were ultimately friends. As Seamus grows up, he starts to have more of his own thoughts and is a very determined person, even if he shows it in unconventional ways. I think it was important for Neville to have some support in what he was doing because even though Neville was strong, he was still the Neville Longbottom we know and love. Having Seamus so heavily imbedded in this story just gives Neville some friends to stand beside him.

Up until now, I've written the year of Darkness from Azaleas point of view, not mentioning Harry because we already know what he is doing. I do plan on doing a chapter focusing on how he feels being separated from Azalea for such a long time but I wanted to have quite a few chapters that don't contain azalea and Harry together because I wanted you to feel how much she misses him.

I hope that this clears a few things up for people as I know it can be frustrating when certain aspects are changed but I am doing them consciously. They aren't mistakes.

Please, If any of you have any other questions, please let me know because I am always happy to hear them. I'm getting this story to you quickly and I hope that you like it.

Please also give me ideas for the future of this book. Should Azalea and Harry both survive?

Do they stay together?

Should I write about their future after the war ends or finish it when the original books finished?

If I continue, how much would you like to see? Would you want to see them grow up and get married?

Please please please let me know.

I'm sorry that this isn't an update but there's one coming really soon]

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