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Nicole's POV

I'm laying in bed watching Netflix until dinner.

That when I fell my phone vibrate letting me know that I have a notification.

I looked down at my phone and roll my eyes. It's another news story about me. This time me being spotted with Alex, Ash, And Ali at the beach the other day. Everyone has been trying to figure out why I'm in Orlando with them.

Alex, Sevr and I haven't responded to any of the stories or told the world about them adopting, I'm not sure why. I have feeling it will come out eventually.

I'm actually surprised we were able to keep that and my attack from the media.

"Nicole, dinner" I hear breaking me from my thoughts

I quickly made my way down to the dinner table where Serv placed a plate in front of me and gave me a kiss on the head before taking a seat across from next to Alex.

We started just talking about day until Alex said "so my family is arriving tomorrow morning" she said watching for my reaction

I mean I'm nervous to meet them but I also know it is inevitable that I will meet them

I just nod my head to let them know I heard

"Are you sure your ready to meet them? We can always wait for the World Cup" Alex said looking at me with concern

"I'm ready, I mean it's been 3 months since I've moved in. Plus I don't think two weeks will make a difference" I replied

With that we just talked about what we did that day until we finished dinner then I got ready for bed and just watched Netflix til I fell a sleep.

I woke up shaking and I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest.

It took me a second to realize I was in my room in Orlando and not in Washington. Since my accident, I have been having nightmares of the abuse I've experienced in the system.

I knew I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. I was wide awake from my dream.

I quietly made my way downstairs to get a drink of water.

As I was filling my cup, a light switch flipped on causing me to jump and turn around.

I saw Serv standing their with a guilty smile "didn't mean to scare you"

"What are you doing awake?" I asked

"I could ask you the same" he replied and I pointed to my cup of water

"I don't believe that is the only reason you are awake" he said giving me look of worry as I just started back at him

"So what is keeping you awake this time?" He asked and that is when I realized he and probably Alex knew that I wasn't always sleeping through the night

"I don't want to talk about" I replied avoiding his eyes

"Well let's go watch some Netflix then" he said heading to the living room and I followed taking a seat next to him

This is what I love about Serv, he never pushes for information and always try's to find a way to try and help me forget what is bothering me.

He put on grown ups and we sat watching it for a little while.

"Do you think they are going to like me?" I asked randomly during the movie causing him to look at me

"Our family?" He asked and I just nodded

"They've only heard story about you and they already love you" he said looking at me

"But what if they change their mind when they meet me in person?" I asked avoiding his eyes

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