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Nicole POV

I was in the tunnel and everyone was heading out to the field to warm up.

I was looking at the stadium and I was in shock. There was so many people and the game doesn't even start for another hour.

"Amazing isn't it?" Alex said stopping to stand next to me and I could only nod

"Just wait until we make it to the knock out rounds" Emily said walking pass us

"Isn't someone cocky?" I replied sarcastically

"Just confident" she replied with a wink causing me to laugh and Alex to shove her jokingly as she made her way out with Emily

I stood there for a second before taking a deep breath and joining the rest of the team on the field

"The rookie finally decided to join us" Megan said as she jokingly kept shoving me

"Alex" I joking whined for help causing her to pull me away from Megan and directing me to my passing buddy

"Ready?" Mal asked looking at me with a small and I nodded back with a smile.

We warmed up and then it was time to head into the locker room to put on our kits.

We walked into to the locker to change into our kits and I had to hide a smile to kept my plan a secret.

"Hey kid, where's you jersey?" Ash asked as she walked passed my locker and saw my jersey missing

"I don't know" I said putting on the rest of my gear

"It was here earlier" Alex said look through my thing in a panic

"I'll just go ask Jill for another, I'm sure we have extra" I said which caused Alex to calm down and nod and started getting ready

I quickly made my way out of the locker room and towards the office where I new Dawn and Jill were waiting for me

When I walked in I saw Jill holding my jersey and a huge smile made its way on to my face

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jill asked looking at me to make sure

"I'm positive" I said as I threw off my warm up jacket and putting on the new jersey.

"I think your going to want to record this" I said looking a Dawn who just laughed and pulled out her phone to record it

I walked into the locker room and saw all the girls still getting ready, well here goes nothing

"Hey mom, I've got something to show you" I said and I watched Alex quickly turn around with a smile and all of the room quickly turn their heads to me in shock since they haven't heard me call her that

I felt a huge smile makes it way on to my face before I turn around and everyone had view of what name was on my jersey


After a few seconds i felt someone turn me around and pull me into a hug and I instantly knew it was Alex.

We we pulled away I saw she had tears on her face with a huge smile.

I quickly wiped her tears

" I might as well get known with my new last name" I said with a smile as I watch her reaction change to pure happiness as she pulled me into another hug

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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