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Nicole POV

We had just arrived to the hotel in France and to say the I wasn't excited was an understatement.

We had just walked into the lobby of the hotel and the Orlando gang was the last to arrive.

"Is dinner anytime soon? I'm hungry" Ash whined from next to me

"Same" I said looking at the two mature adults for an answer

"You guys had a snack like an hour ago" Alex said looking at us

"And? Now I'm hungry" I replied as I started walking  around looking for the conference room since if their was food, that's where it going to be

"Kid, where are you going?" Ash said running to catch up to me

"To find the conference room, that's where the food will be"

"I knew I kept you around for a reason" ash said smirking down at me

"I'm sure that why" I said rolling my eyes as we came across the conference room

"Found it!" I cheered as I walked in with ash right behind me

I quickly placed my luggage by the door and made my way to the food that was being placed out

Once I had my food, I took a seat at the table with Ash quickly following.

We were just eating and messing around when we heard the conference room door open and in walked Emily, Kelley, Rose, Mal, Tobin, and Christen walk in.

"Hey you guys" I said looking up at them with a smile

I watched them do a double take before I was tackled  out off chair by Emily and Kelley who were trying to get to me first

"Don't harm her, we just got her back" I heard Christen say pulling to my feet to give be a hug which caused Emily and Kelley to pout

"We were suppose to give her a hug first" Kelley whined

"Then you shouldn't have pushed me out of chair" I said walking away to give her and Emily a hug

However they wouldn't let go

"Come on, let her go, we want to give her a hug too" Rose said as she and Mal tried to pull the two off

"No, we missed her" Emily said squeezing me tighter as I just smiled

"Come one you aren't the only one who hasn't seen her in forever" Mal said

That's when Alex and Ali walked in and saw what was happening

"Come you two, let her go" Ali said looking at them and they just shook their hands no

"Let go" Alex said sternly causing them both to let go in defeat and Mal and Rose to pull me into a hug then Tobin.

"Here you key" Alex said handing me my key as I sat back down to finish my food

"Who am I rooming with?" I asked looking at her

"By the look of the room, I'm going to say Emily" Alex said

"YES!" Emily yelled cheering and giving me a high five

"I wanted to stay with her" Kelley whined and pulling me into her lap

"Do you not want to be with me" Alex asked joking being offended

"Can't I just have the both of you" Kelley asked causing me to laugh

"No, mine roomie" Emily said pulling me from Kelley and into her lap

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