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Saisei was currently relaxing in the bath for now as today was kinda rough for her. When she gets a power increase, using her powers becomes very strenuous on her for about a month and a half. 

So, after pounding Tatsumi into the earth, her muscles were very sore. Earlier, Chelsea said something at dinner that got Mine and Tatsumi really worked up. 

The fact that Sheele and Bulat were "Failure at being killers." 

It got them really mad but they seemed to be able to calm down a lot faster than to be expected. 

"She just had to say that..." Saisei rubbed her right arm. "Damn that really hurt me..." 

Another thing that was a bit suspicious that Chelsea had given Saisei her bath time she didn't question it at the time as she was even more sore earlier.  

"She had something planned, doesn't she?" Saisei activated her powers and increased her hearing and presence sense. 

An invisible Tatsumi was seen through the smoke and he was in his armor.

Saisei's wings burst from her back and she flew upwards slightly. She dashed at him and grabbed him by the throat, a quick chokeslam was given to him and one of her wings wrapped around her body to cover herself. 

"What're you doing in here?!" Saisei yelled. 

"Saisei?!" Tatsumi yelled back. "Why are you using Chelsea's bath time?!" 

He got a tighter grip on his throat signaling that she wasn't playing around. 

"I was trying to...! Get! Revenge on Chelsea for saying that about Bulat and Sheele...!" He was struggling to get out words with her tight grip on his neck. 

Laughing was heard and the door to the bath opened up to reveal Chelsea standing there with a victorious smile. 

"Sorry I had to use you Saisei but it's more interesting this way." 

Saisei stood up straight-faced and walked back over to the water. She got back in and told both of them to leave with a deep tone. 

Tatsumi left in a hurry and Chelsea said bye before leaving but they were gone. 

She gave a heavy sigh and sunk deeper into the water. Now she hurts even more in the back area. 

"I can't get a break, can I?" She just wanted to sit here until her time was up... 

The door to the bath flew open and Saisei looked to see it was Najenda. She just looks sad and turned to her new commander. 

"Saisei. Can you go see a client for Leone tomorrow? An assassination contract." 

Saisei knew she couldn't refuse and it was about time Night Raid were to get active again and who better to do their new contract offer besides the newest to this assassination business. 

"Sure thing. Where's the location I have to meet them?" She was just tossed a card with some info on it. 

"That's everything you'll need to know. You'll be leaving early in the morning to get there in time, so please wake up at whatever time you see fit to get there." 

Saisei looked down at the card to see she needed to be there by 7:00 AM. It worked for her. 

"Okay. I'll be sure to get there. Leave it to me, commander." Saisei gave a thumbs up and Najenda gave a light smile before walking away. 

The rest of the day passed swiftly and Saisei went to sleep, woke up, and hurried to the location which was a graveyard quite far from their base. 

Akame Ga Kill: Flaming Rebirth (completed)Where stories live. Discover now