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Saisei, Mine, and Air were sitting in Saisei's room. But it looked to be Mine more or less giving them a lecture as Air and Saisei were sitting on the ground. 

"Saisei, you can't just bring a child home like it's nothing, you know! I do understand where you were coming from but you got to be more aware!" Mine was just throwing things at Saisei. 

"I understand, but-" Saisei was cut off real quick by Mine. 

"But nothing! Give a heads up! Like Najenda said, I'm basically her second mom! I can't have such a responsibility pushed on me out of nowhere!" 

Mine sighed and then sat down on the ground with them letting them be at eye level... well, not really as Saisei was taller. 

"...Who's last name are we using?" Mine embarrassedly whispered with her cheeks turning a tint of pink. 

"Excuse me?" Saisei looked up from her depressed stare. 

Mine gave Saisei a chop on the head, "Don't make me repeat it!" 

"She asked who's last name we're using. Back at my village, I was only Air so I don't even have a last name." She was now clean after Susanoo kidnapped her and cleaned her while Saisei was getting an earful from Mine. 

"Well, let's use mine." Saisei smiled. 

"Mine?" Mine tilted her head confused. 

"No, Mine. Mine." Saisei pointed to herself. 

"Oh. I'm alright with that." Mine crossed her arms happily that they were able to come to a conclusion so quick. 

"Well, Air. From now on, you're Air Ardor! Saisei hugged the girl catching her by surprise. 

"My god, Saisei." Mine couldn't help but let her lips curl into a small smile. 

After smothering Air half to death, Saisei got off the child and it looked like a lightbulb went off inside the girl's head, "...Air! You wanna be like me?" 

"Air, you don't wanna be like her." Mine crossed her arms. 

"Ah! Uh? Um...?" Air kept looking between the two. The excited Saisei and the almost pleading Mine. 

"I trust, Saisei! ...Not to say that I don't trust, Mine... That's-!" 

"No, don't worry about it. I know what you mean." Mine calmed the girl down. "But, Saisei. What do you even mean by that?" 

"Well, I was only told this once in my life and that's because I overheard it while my sister was chasing me with a knife... but there's a way for Air to get phoenix powers."

Mine looked surprised by this. 

"I know, right!" Saisei looked confident in her plan. 

Air seemed to be paying a lot of attention now. 

"There's only one problem." 

"And that would be...?" Mine was cautious of what Saisei was saying now. 

"I don't know about the ritual at all. I would have to go back home and ask my father about it. The only thing I know of is that she can't be over fourteen and has to drink my blood." Saisei nonchalantly glazed over the last part like it was no big deal but the others were frozen after hearing it. 

"...I would have to drink your blood?" Air's head tilted slightly. Her interest overwhelmed her disgust in the moment. 

"Yeah, I'm not too sure. You would have to come with me when I go." 

"Hey, hey, hey! You can't just leave for who knows how long to do this! We became active again so you can't just go leaving like this." Mine pointed out and Saisei nodded. 

Akame Ga Kill: Flaming Rebirth (completed)Where stories live. Discover now