epilogue ✰

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it had been six years since the dead poets had graduated from welton.

although they had all went their separate ways, the group managed to stay in touch.

neil, scarlett, todd, and pitts went on to study at yale. parker, knox, charlie, and rory went to columbia.

meeks was the lone wolf of the group and went off to massachusetts institute of technology.

shortly into their sophomore year of college, charlie and rory decided to end things. the two felt as if too much was going on their lives and thought it would be best if they put things on pause. neither charlie or rory knew if it was going to be forever (they secretly hoped it wasn't).

scarlett and neil stayed together, their love growing stronger each and every day. shortly after the two graduated from yale, neil had received the keating's blessing and asked scarlett to marry him.

a year earlier

"neil, can i please take off this blindfold now?" scarlett asked. the two were back in vermont to visit neil's parents and to celebrate their five year anniversary.

"in a minute." neil said as he guided scarlett through the forest that they would run through on the nights of the dead poets society meetings.

"oh god, neil, are you planning on murdering me because my feelings would be really hurt if you did."

neil rolled his eyes. "oh no, my plan is ruined!" his voice dripped with sarcasm.

as the two neared the cave, neil slid the blindfold off of scarlett's head. a grin formed on her face as she looked around.

"still looks the same after five years."

"like we never left it."

the two made their way down in the cave. scarlett gasped as she saw what neil had set up a few hours earlier. on the floor of the cave lied a picnic blanket with a basket and candles lying on top of it.

"i called parker and she helped me set this all up."

"it is lovely, neil." scarlett said as she kissed him on the cheek.

"come on, lets sit."

the two sat down on the blanket as neil pulled out a bottle of champagne out of the picnic basket along with two glasses.

after pouring two glasses, he handed one to scarlett.

"thank you, my good sir." she grinned.

neil raised his glass. "happy anniversary, keating."

"happy anniversary to you too, perry."

the two clinked glasses and took some sips.

"i don't know about you, but these past five years have been some of the best years of my life." neil said.

"i wouldn't change them for the world."

"i was hoping that those five years could turn into forever." neil pulled out a small diamond ring out of his pocket.

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