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Sweet pea's p.o.v


"Angie..." I breathed out her name. It had been so long since I heard her voice.

"Hey Pea. How are you?"

"I-I'm doing okay. Where are you? You need to come home."

"Pea... you know I can't. Please don't start this."

"No, it's not for me. Sara called me earlier and said that the Angels have been infiltrated. Then Dmitri took her phone and told me that I had 24 hours to get you or he'd look for you and I wouldn't like the outcome if he found you first."

"Woah, wait, back up. Is everybody okay? Has anyone gotten hurt?"

"I don't know Angie. All I know is that you need to come home." I could practically see her running her hands through her hair as she sighed.

"Alissa has been moving around a lot. Archie and I have been laughing, because when I'm sitting down you'll see my stomach start moving up and down." Her voice was wistful.

"That's cute, but why are you telling me this? You're coming home right?"

"Yeah... I am. Tell Dmitri to give you his number so I can call him. There's something I need to do first, then I'll come home. I promise." The tone in her voice made me hesitant. What was she planning?

"Only if you tell me what you're doing."

"Not now Pea. Later."

"Why do you sound sad?"

"Because I hoped it wouldn't come to this. I'll see you soon Sweets, I love you." Before I could say another word the line went dead and I knew she was gone.

"Well, is she coming?" I looked at Fangs' wide eyes and sighed.

"Yeah, she is, but I'm not sure what it's gonna cost."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, all I know is that I have a bad feeling that I don't like. I don't like it at all."


Angie's p.o.v

After I ended the call with Pea before he could get too inquisitive, I slumped down on the small bed. Archie came over and sat next to me while gently rubbing my shoulders. I looked at him with tear filled eyes before looking down at my stomach and caressing it.

"Has it really come to that?" A single tear leaked from my eye and I wiped it away.

"Yeah Red, there's no other way." He nodded solemnly and stood up.

"I'll go get the phone for you then... it's gonna be okay, you know that right? This was a really good plan." I didn't answer, but instead continued rubbing slow circles on my stomach. Archie walked away, and as soon as he was gone I let the tears flow.

"I love you Alissa. So much, and your daddy loves you, and your aunt Toni and Uncle Fangs love you. If there were any other way..." I was unable to continue because I was sobbing so hard. When Archie saw the state I was in he quickly walked over and wrapped me in a warm hug.

"It's gonna be okay Kiki. It's gonna be okay." I pulled myself together a few minutes later and grabbed the phone he'd set down next to us. I took a deep breath and called the number I'd hoped I wouldn't have to use.


Sweet pea's p.o.v

I quickly dialed Sara's number and waited impatiently for her to pick up.

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