Part 1

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 A/N: This book has no connection to 'Pogue Rules'. It's going to "follow" season one of OBX. I own nothing and this is for pure reader enjoyment. The Rudy/reader is still in the works and 'Pogue Rules' will continue since they are two "different" stories.  This chapter is gonna be a little short but this is just the introduction chapter. 

Y/f/n = Your first name, Y/l/n= your last name. 

If you've been to one beach you've been to them all. Or at least that's what Y/f/n y/l/n thought. Her and her father have lived all up and now the east coast over the years. Place to place, beach to beach, school to school, and so on. When she was young, she lost her mother and that devastated her father and he started them in a downward spiral. Her father began to find comfort with drugs, drinking, and gambling. She barley remembered her mother, if it wasn't for pictures, she wouldn't even know what she looked like.

She adapted to having no mother and deadbeat father. She made good grades at every school she went to, sometimes she even tried to make friends, at first at least. After a while she quit and just kept to herself. She found other ways to fill the void and not feel alone. Surfing. The beach. Those things never changed, and the beach is the only thing that makes her feel at home, so as long as they moved somewhere that had a beach, she was fine.

With that being said, thats one of the things that brought her and her father to The Outer Banks North Carolina. Her father always managed to find himself fired after a while and then they'd move towns. Showing up drunk or high or both was frowned upon in most professions, even labor works. Which is what he did. This time he managed to find himself a job at an impound lot. It was decent money and those jobs were usually more relaxed.

They moved into a little house in the lower area of the island, that the locals call the Cut. Just a small two-bedroom house. They had just made it to the island, not much with them since the moving truck wouldn't be there for two days. Y/n brough her essentials. Some clothes, toiletries, swimsuits, and of course her surfboard. That's all she needed. Her father started work tomorrow and she would wonder around the island, but today she wanted to surf.

She loaded her board up and changed into a maroon bikini, putting a dress cover over her, and headed to the beach. It was a short drive from her house. She drove a faded old teal jeep wrangler. It was really a hunk of junk, but she loved it.

The sun was close to setting, but it gave her enough time to surf for a while and enjoy the beach. Once she got there she parked and unloaded her board. She happily trailed down the sand dunes until she reached the more level surface of the beach. She laid her board down and took a seat next to it, watching the waves before she went out, enjoying the sounds and smells.

She looked around at her surrounds, noticing the place she found didn't hold many people. Runners in passing, a couple walking their dog, a blonde guy sitting and smoking what looked like a jewel, and a family all playing in the sand and at waters edge. This was going to be her new spot.

She couldn't have known this, but the blonde guy noticed her too. He noticed that she didn't look familiar. He had never seen her down in the Cut before. He wondered if she was a Kook, the rich popular inhabitants of the island, or possibly a touron, a tourist here on vacation, because there was no way she was pogue, the working class of the island, because he would know her if she was. She also couldn't have known that he had just lost his best friend and his father's boat, or that he felt like his life was falling apart since John B and Sarah, his best friend and his best friends girlfriend, died. Two weeks before she moved here this island was lit up with red and blue and he was in the middle of it.

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