Part 2

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I wasn't going to lie and say that I wasn't thinking about the blonde guy that saved me from drowning yesterday. He was the first person from here that I've really talked to, but that wouldn't matter in a few months or years because eventually my dad would cause us to move again. After the events from yesterday I came home and showered brought my board in and just went to bed. Today I planned to wax it and maybe go look for a job. Money was tight and the last thing I needed was to ask my dad for money.

I had done plenty of jobs in the past, so I was pretty verse in every job a teenager can have. I preferred working on the water, usually in a marina, but waitressing wasn't to bad either. Every other job was terrible, and I tried to avoid them at all cost. Once I had gotten up and gotten dressed, I made my way out into the house. My dad was already at work, but he had a paper sitting on the table. I ate breakfast, which was cereal, and flipped through the wanted ads.

There were a few places I was interested in there were a few jobs down at the docks and an opening at a place called 'The Wreck' for a hostess/waitress position. I circled the jobs I was interested in and went to grab my things and then made my way out to my car. I drove a beat up old teal jeep. I tossed my bag in the back and hopped in, throwing the paper in the passenger seat as I went. I headed down towards the docks.

One of the jobs that was open was at small shop on the dock. It was mainly selling OBX merchandise to tourists and taking delivery orders for the richer side of the island and occasionally helping run delivery, which meant decent money. Once I got there, I grabbed the paper and my bag and made my way down the dock. As I walked onto and down the dock, I kept looking from the paper to the shops, making sure I didn't pass it and had the right store. At this particular moment I was looking down, so of course crashing into a complete stranger is exactly what I did.

We hit hard. It knocked us both off our feet. I don't know where he came from but our presence of one another caught us both off guard. My backpack fell off my shoulder and onto the ground and somehow the paper I was holding went into the water. I don't know if we butted heads or what, but I know my head hit something because now it hurt. So, with a hand to head I finally looked up and saw the guy in the same position as me. However, I don't think he lost his newspaper like I did. Actually, I don't even think he knew what one was.

The guy was blonde and was dressed nice, but clearly, he was about to be on the water. He wore light blue board shorts, flip flops, and a white polo. His sunglasses still on the top of his head. He was totally one of those rich guys who had everything he could possibly want, I waited for the yelling for me to 'Watch it' or something like that but it never came. To my surprise, once he realized what happened he jumped up and offered me a hand.

"I'm so sorry. I should have been watching where I was going? Are you alright?", he asked as he pulled me up and leaned over to pick up my backpack and offer it to me.

I nodded and took it from him, throwing it back over my shoulder, "Yeah I'm fine. Are you okay? I think this was actually my fault. I was to busy looking at that stupid paper- My paper!"

I looked around and had completely forgot that it ended up the water. Him and I both looked over the side watched the paper float on top of the water. I reached down and managed to grab it and threw it into the nearest trash can.

"I can buy you a new", he offered, and I gave him a look, "To apologize."

"No, it's okay. If you could just point me in the direction of Hayward's we'll call it even", I told him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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