Hello Nightwing

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

Sliding my sword back into its sheath, I lean up against the wall next to the sliding glass doors. I cross my arms, watching Damian and Ubu exchange blows. The sound of metal clashing is like music to my ears. It reminds me of all the times that Damian and I would train together until we passed out. They danced while they were fighting, Damian's back would face me, then Ubu's, then Damian's, and so on. 

Once Ubu's back is towards me, Damian jumps back a little and gets into a fighting stance. "Where's Deathstroke?"

"Did you think it would be that easy? Just ask and I would talk?"

Damian looks at me and smirks. Knowing his next few actions, I nod and smirk back under my hood.

"I don't want it to be easy," Damian says throwing the swords over to me. I catch it with ease, not moving from my spot. 

Ubu looks over to me surprised, then back to Damian, in time for him to witness his death. Damian screams bloody murder, flying towards Ubu and kicking him in his chest, making him fly past me and through the glass doors.

"Let's go Dee-Dee," he says landing back on the floor in a crouched position. 

"Let's go," I reply, tossing him his sword back and darting after Ubu.

He jumps and slides down from building to building in fear, looking back ever now and then just to see us right on his tail. For every jump and slide he did, we followed in pursuit, but with more efficiency. For every time he looked back, he stumbled a little, we took advantage of those moments and sped up.

Once we landed on the sidewalk, Damian and I ran towards him, pulling out our swords. Ubu stops at the end of the street at the sight of the fast-moving cars. 

Damian charges at him with me right behind him. He jumps and attacks Ubu with his sword from above, just to be blocked by Ubu's left-clawed hand. With his right, he swings at Damian, but  Damian ducks. As he ducks and Ubu follows through with his swing, I pop up from behind Damian, and kick him, sending him stumbling into the rushing cars.

A car halts abruptly, nearly running him over. Ubu takes this time and runs straight to the other side of the streets, stumbling now and then from the cars and trucks that have barely managed to hit their brakes in time. Once he makes it safely to the other side, he turns back, only to be even more surprised.

"Tch. Amateur," I say once he makes it to the other side. 

Cars continued to pass by, once Ubu got out of their way, but that didn't stop us. We jumped from hood to hood, until we reached the end. On the very last hood, we jumped higher. Damian grabbed my foot in mid-air and flung me towards Ubu.

He screams running towards me, while I ready myself to slice him in half. I swing three times, each one getting blocked. The sound of metal clanging and the sight of sparks lighting fill the empty area. 

Just then, Ubu and I get into a battle of power. I swing my sword forward as Ubu brings his claws in front of himself, intertwining them, catching my sword in between them. Seeing that I'm not going to win in this fight of power, I put all my weight and power onto one side, making him fall to that side. Once he falters to that side, I jump kicking him in the face. He gets up and looks up just to get smashed back down by Damian, power kicking him into the ground.

Damian is now standing in front of a kneeling, bloody-faced Ubu. Still, in the air, I land two feet behind Damian.

"You'll get nothing from me," Ubu says staring straight into Damian's eyes.

I walk over to Ubu and crouch down to his level. "Either we get answers," I growl, staring dagger into his face.

"Or you get the sword," Damian says raising his sword above his head. 

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