Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Delila's POV:

As I walked past the elevator the doors open and Daymon stepped out looking stressed, so I asked if he was alright and why he was still awake. "I... I have to talk to you. He..." hesitating he asked if we could go where no one would hear us, with a curious look and a nod, I lead him to my room. "sit, take a deep breath and then tell me what is bothering you."

"I just got off the phone with my buddy Zash... sorry, I forgot. You know him as Shaz, not Zash" with a gasp I took a step back. "I'm sorry, he didn't explain much, just that he knows Aithne. Though he told me not to tell anyone, especially not Aithne about him except... for you. He gave me a message..." With a whispered "Tabarnak" I told him to go ahead. "Shaz said he has a few things to take care of first, but that he needs you to convince Aithne to meet him on Manitoulin island, something about neutral grounds? He said you would know where he meant. He also mentioned possibly knowing how to separate Aithne from... his words not mine! That human child qui brûlera en enfer for causing so much trouble for my Dédé" (That human child who will burn in hell for causing...)

Trying to process everything Daymon had just said I sat down on my bed. "he... oh god. Separate Aithne and Adèle? We... I... wow" I never thought that could be a possibility, the simple fact that she wasn't just stuck in the back of Adèle's subconscious was always a miracle, but this...

Daymon sat beside me, just nodding at first, then he whispered "he... he said that he was Aithne's blood-bonded mate? Waldia said that it means they chose to be mates instead of waiting for Arkmina to give them their soulmates. How do you know someone is your soulmate? What will happen when they meet up again?"

With a sigh I answered as best as I could "She's right, a blood-bond is between two people who chose to be together but in doing so, they fall out of favor with Arkmina, our moon Goddess. In other words, she won't give them a soulmate, she might even more or less ignore them. Though for Aithne and Shaz it was an accident. Mates might feel a major attraction to each other, but they won't realize they are actually mating until they look into each other's eyes and touch, skin to skin... After that, well they can feel each other's emotions, pain, and other things. They will also feel tingles every time they touch skin to skin and feel a deep need to always be with one another... As for what will happen. Well I..." I was interrupted by "Aithneeeeeee, my bestest friend in the whole wide world, you won't believe what we found out during our travelsssssss!" Waldianna skipping and yelling/singing in the hallway.

Giving a startled look to Daymon, we both get up and follow her. "Waldia, darling? Are you alright? I see you found the stash of wine I left in your room... how about we go get your mate and get you in bed darling?" "Lila! Daymon you sexy devil! Perfect you're both here as well! Come come, you should hear what... or who my mate and I found on our way here!" she squealed all excited. With a shrug we followed her.

Aithne and Félix must have heard her, as we entered the lounge Jake came over to Dia and shook his head before licking her fingers. Dia snatched her hand away and walked over to Aithne and wrapped her arms around her. "Waldia... what's going on? Jake wants to know why you are blocking him out of your mindlink?" Aithne asked while staring at Jake.

"Oh! never mind that. Don't you want to know who and what we found out in Vancouver?" Aithne shrugged still starring at Jake who was growling and shaking his head vicariously. I imagine that if he could speak out loud, he would be yelling at his mate at the top of his lungs, though I wondered why.

"We found someone... let me see... he was a blonde werr-wolf with the most beautiful honey coloured eyes, tan skin... amazing height of six foot nine..." Aithne took a step away from Dia, shaking her head and mumbling to herself looking confused. But who could blame her, we only knew of one person with that description... "he was walking in the forest with this beautiful, and I mean she was drop dead gorgeous girl, an angle really... literally... I think her name was Seraphina but him... his name... oh what was it..." Waldia continued, she seemed to be thinking really hard, tapping her index on her chin. "Shaz..." Aithne whispered. "YES! That's it! That was his name!" "his mate..." Aithne chocked out. The look she gave Aithne in that moment... I wanted nothing more than smack her behind the head. As I took a step towards her to do just that, I heard Jake growl and bark.

Turning towards him to give him a piece of my mind about his mate, I notice him standing over Aithne who's lying unconscious on the floor. 

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