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(last week of september)


That's how the past week has been going.

Work has been smooth at both my jobs, I've been able to increase my volunteer hours at Wenton this week and there's been no sign of Harry since he dropped me off last week.

The day after I met him at work, Milo went on and on about how attractive and hot he thought Harry was, and how he couldn't wait to see him again, and if I hadn't known any better, I'd be swooning over Harry too.

I wanted to ask if he knew when he'd be coming in again, but I figured it would be better not to. I don't want to spend my spare time thinking and worrying about him and seeing him; I'll deal with the problem when it's time to deal with it.

Though it's not like I can help not thinking about him. As much as I hate to admit it, this has probably been the most catastrophic series of events to occur in my life, ever. Obviously, I don't get a thrill from it, far from it actually, but can't just ignore the fact that whatever's going on in this bank and with Harry is more sketchy than anything else. And I have a feeling that I'm a part of it.

When my time to exercise my role will come, I have no clue. But I have a strong feeling it'll come soon enough.

Suddenly, I'm snapped out of my thoughts as a cup of coffee is harshly placed on my desk, making me jolt with surprise. Glancing over, I notice that the hand belongs to Milo, immediately looking up at him with confusion.

"You look like you need this more than I do," he casually sits on the corner of my desk, pushing the coffee towards me, urging me to take a sip.

"Uhh, thanks," I pick it up, lightly blowing into it before taking a sip and immediately feeling the urge to spit it out.

Well, that was an open-armed welcome to diabetes.

Rather than expressing my distaste, I just take another sip before placing the cup down and giving him a tight smile as he looks at me expectantly.

"Those papers were due in HR," he pauses, taking a look at his watch, "20 minutes ago."


"Oh my, God," quickly fumbling for the papers, I try to assort them haphazardly, "I'm so sorry. I'll get this done as soon as possible, I really am sorry."

Milo quickly puts his hand over mine, making me stop my quick movements, "Hey, hey, relax. I got it handled, you've got another hour."

Feeling myself deflate with relief, I close my eyes for a moment, "Thank you. I promise I'll send them in time, now."

"That's fine," Milo crosses his legs, getting more comfortable, "Tell me."

I send him a muddled look.

"What's been in your head lately? You seem... I don't know, distant."

Milo, I wish I could tell you. Really, I do. But, I honestly have no idea myself.

"Oh, it's nothing, really," I try to dismiss it nonchalantly.

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