Chapter 9

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A special spaceship-like vehicle was coming in for a landing. "Knock-Knock, Steven." One voice announced. "It's us." A second voice added. "The Diamonds?" A third voice concluded. "Are we interrupting something?" "Uh... Yeah!" Steve answered the question that was asked to him. Spinel retreated behind a large chunk of debris, as the three Diamonds descended from the ship. "Yellow, Blue, White, what are you all doing here?" Steven asked the three giant nonhuman women. "Well, Steven, we were all talking and-" Yellow began util she soon stopped to smell something. "I'm sorry, but what is that smell?" "What smell?" asked Cure Soleil. "This air... The ground... That water stuff..." Yellow Diamond replied. "Oh, that's just how our planet smells" said Cure Selene. "I guess we're just used to it and it smells weird to you since you're from outer-space and we live here." "Hmm..." Yellow Diamond paused from that. "Anyway, we were talking, and we decided-" Blue Diamond spoke up. "This is taking too long!" White Diamond complained. "Steven! We've come to Earth to live with you-u-u~" she burst out, pointing her massive finger at Steven. "What?" Steven asked the Diamonds. "My house isn't big enough for all of us." "Oh, well, I'm sure we could make due with, um..." White Diamond replied before looking out at Beach City's ruined state: land split open, houses ruined, and injector debris scattered with a car alarm ringing in the distance. "Has your planet always been this... Destroyed?" she asked. "Not that we're judging." Blue Diamond quickly added. "Goodness, no, because judging anything based on appearance is wrong!" White Diamond said from that. "Well, that's a good lesson~lun." Cure Milky replied. "True that." Cure Cosmo nodded.

Steven paused and glared at White, unfazed and less than amused at her patronizing attempt to resonate with him. "Yeah, I don't know about this." he said. "But, Steven, it's been soooooo boring since you've left!" White Diamond soon fake cried. "I guess we'll just waaaait for you to viiisit us wheneeeever youuuuu'rre reeeaaaaaaaaadyyyyyy." The Cures shared a deadpan glance with each other from that. "Wow, she's really going with fake crying." Cosmo whispered, unimpressed. "Totally..." Star, Milky, Soleil, and Selene replied with the same tone. White Diamond slowly stomped back to the ship, feigning sadness in order to guilt Steven into giving her attention. The ground shook with each colossal footstep. "Aw, come on. Don't be like that" Steven replied. "I-It's just, I'm right in the middle of saying goodbye to-" Star whispered to Steven as she suddenly had an idea. Steven beamed from that before asking, "Do you guys remember Spinel?" "I'm sorry, who?" White Diamond asked. Steven turned to Spinel who was still hiding behind a piece of rubble. "Spinel, you've met the Diamonds before, right?" he then asked. "Y-Yeah, but... They've never seen me like this." Spinel said as she covered her face. "Come on; I'm sure everything will be alright." Star told her. Spinel began to walk out to see the Diamonds up close. "Blue, Yellow, White, this is Spinel!" Steven introduced. "My Diamon... Nnds." Spinel soon greeted with the traditional salute. The three Diamonds reacted with stunned surprise. White gasped audibly and held her hands to her face. "Pink's little playmate?" Yellow Diamond asked. "One of Pink's lost treasures." Blue Diamond added. "Mom left her on a floating garden in space." Steven told them. "You poor thing." Blue Diamond cooed. "Ha, it was only 6,000 years. I could do that standing on my head!" Spinel replied. Then, fittingly enough, Spinel did a handstand and clapped her squeaky shoes together.

Yellow Diamond was heard laughing. "Only 6,000 years! It's true-that's nothing! And that goofy handstand," she wiped a tear of joy. "I like this Gem." "This Gem is so adorable and so much like Pink." Blue Diamond said. "Spinel, I-" White Diamond said before clearing her throat. "Steven, since the Earth is so disgusting, we'll just take Spinel back to Homeworld with us, and you can stay here." "Really?" Steven asked. "Huh?" Spinel blinked in surprise. "Spinel, you can finally be with a group of friends~fuwa" Fuwa beamed. "Yeah. You should take this opportunity~de purunsu" Prunce added. "Come live with us in the palace, There's a room waiting for you, Come on, come on, come on, Just let us adore you~," The Diamonds began to sing hopefully to Spinel. "Come live with us in the palace, There's a room waiting for you, Come on, come on, come on, Just let us adore you, Yes we know that you're not her, but you were hers, You know what it meant to love her, And you remind us so much of her~" Star gestured hopefully to Spinel to have her agree to the Diamonds' offer as it sounded pretty sweet. Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet couldn't believe they were hearing the Diamonds actually singing. "You think you could handle them?" Steven asked Spinel cautiously. "They're not exactly easy to get along with." Spinel's longing and solemn expression changed to a warm smile, as she bounced and joined the Diamonds in their song, finally having found someone who could reciprocate her affection. "Today, (come live with us in the palace) right here, right now, (There's a room waiting for you), I'll love again, (Come on, come on, come on), I've already found someone, Just let us adore you~" The Diamonds sang. Yellow Diamond extended her hand to let Spinel step onto it so that they could all leave together. "Yes, I know that you're not her, and I was hers~," Spinel soon sang back. "You know what it meant to love her, and you remind me so much of her, Today, right here, right now, We'll love again, We've already found someone~" Then she left for Homeworld with the Diamonds. "Goodbye, Spinel." Star whispered as this seemed like the last they would see of the formerly evil Gem who was simply just misunderstood. Spinel gave a farewell "peace" symbol on her way out from Earth.

The Cures turned back into their normal forms as peace was brought back to Earth again. Then they started to glow, along with Fuwa and Prunce. "Uh, is it normal for you all to glow like that?" Steven asked. "Well,'s a funny thing actually" Hikaru stuttered. She explained the situation to the Steven Universe characters. "You're all in a dream and you're about to wake up?" Connie concluded. "I know it sounds crazy, but it's true~lun" said Lala. "Oh. Then I guess we have to say goodbye" Pearl looked down. "Yes. But it's been great meeting all of you" said Madoka. "Maybe someday we'll come back to Beach City. Do you see that happening in the future, Garnet?" said Elena. Garnet adjusted her shades and replied with a smile "Yes." "That's awesome! Can't wait for that to happen so we can all hang out more!" said Amethyst. "Hopefully by then, there won't be anymore threats for the planet Earth" said Yuni. "But before you go, there's one last thing I'd like to do with you all" said Steven. "What's that?" Hikaru asked. "...I want to sing one more song with you" said Steven. The girls and aliens smiled. "We would love nothing more" said Hikaru. Steven held hands with Connie as he looked back at the happy Crystal Gems, Greg, and Lion; the latter of which licks Greg's face, prompting laughter.

"Here we are in the future~," Steven began to sing. "Here we are in the future and it's bright, Nothing to fear, No one to fight, I can't believe we've come so far, Happily ever after there we were~" "Here we are~" The Crystal Gems sang. Then they went onto the Warp Pad and came into Little Homeworld where the humans of Beach City were, looking quite happy and cheerful to the Crystal Gems, even a cute little baby. "So happily we'll face~," Steven and Hikaru sang as Bismuth gave a doll to the baby while Lapis juggled with her water wings. "Whatever comes our way, And after, we might do it all again~" "Here we are in the future~" Fuwa and Prunce sang. "Here we are in the future~," Peridot and Lapis added. "Are you ready every day?~" "For as long as I can say~," Steven smiled to them. "I can make a change~" "Here we are in the future~," Steven sang before everyone else joined in. "I can make a change, Here we are in the future, Here we are in the future, I can make a change, Here we are in the future~" Everyone came together to help restore Beach City back to how it was before Spinel attacked. "Here we are in the future (Here we are in the future), Here we are in the future (Here we are in the future), Here we are in the future (Here we are in the future), Here we are in the future~," Everyone sang together as Hikaru smiled tearfully with Steven as things turned out nicely for everyone, especially Steven and the Crystal Gems. "Here we are, Here we are, Come so far (Come so far), And it's bright, And it's bright, And it's bright, And it's bright, And it's bright, And it's bright!, I'll be ready every day, For as long as I can say, Here I am in the future with my friends (I can make a change), That's why, Happily ever after never... Ends~" Everything suddenly turned bright and when the girls and aliens woke up, they were back in the rocket. Though they felt tired, they also felt happy that they got to share the dream they just had with each other. Hikaru couldn't wait to meet Steven again sometime in the future.

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