Chapter 6

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It was the cook who first saw the angry villagers. He was on his way back from the castle's vegetable patch when far into the distance, he saw tiny figures carrying pitchforks and burning torches moving towards the castle. Cecalian had excellent eyesight, so he knew that this was a problem and had to warn the others. It wasn't long before the staff were gearing themselves up to defend themselves with a little bit of magic hear and there to make inanimate objects around the castle help.


The villagers were almost on the castle. They had made it past the tree barrier and were now attempting to force the door open. A battering ram was made from one of the trees and thrust against the door repeatedly until it was forced opened.

At the open doors, everyone paused. The hallway of the castle was silent and deserted, filled with nothing but obscene amounts of furniture. Slowly, the men trooped into the castle, looking around themselves for any movement. None of them could help the feeling of being watched. It was eerily quiet.

"There's nothing here." one of them said. No one replied. A few moments of silence later, one of the men deemed it safe and shouted to the others to take anything valuable they could find. His name was Dick Hade. This man was a selfish man. He cared for no one but himself. One of the reasons why his wife cheated on him with Rafael. He was so selfish that he couldn't even care to make bedding him more pleasurable for his wife. It was horrible for his wife. Three whole years of marriage and her husband sucked balls in bed. His wife wasn't worried about him divorcing her for adultry. If anything, she would be happier. Leave her free to find a better partner while she was still young. Annullment of marriages was a common thing nowadays.

The men began searching the furniture that were conveniently placed right there, but no sooner had a man touched a cupboard, The door of the cupboard flung open to smack him in the face. And just like that, a fight broke out in that very hallways. The noise from the battle could be heard all the way in the West wing of the castle, where Rafael and Sylvan were. 

Drawn by the noise, the pair made their way towards the racket. As they got closer, the sounds of metal clashing, battle cries and pained screams filled their ears. It made them run straight to the source. The sight before them put a distressed look on Sylvan's face. It was not in his nature to fight and seeing one in front, with his own staff distressed him immensely. And what hurt Sylvan, hurt Rafael too. Despite not wanting to fight, Sylvan had to help, he couldn't just stand there and watch. Without second thoughts, he jumped straight into the battle, tentacles on full display and put to use. Rafael, of course, joined in to aid his lover.

Despite the manpower on the villagers side and the magic on the castle's side that evened both parties out, the fight didn't last long. Dick, the selfish bastard, had noticed Rafael and Sylvan joining the fight and  sought revenge. He had remembered how humiliated he had been when he found out his wife cheated on him with the Casanova and he wanted revenge. Hungered for sweet revenge. With his dagger in hand, he crept over to where Rafael was defending a poor cushion who almost got impaled by a sword, and stabbed Rafael in his stomach when he wasn't looking. Rafael cried out in pain and clutched his side, knees buckling to the ground. On the other side of the room, Sylvan felt a jolt in his heart and he knew instantly, that something was wrong. It seems, the pair had formed a soulbond in the days they had spent together. Throwing aside the man he was facing with his tentacles, Sylvan pushed his way through the people, his strong tentacles forcing apart those in front of him to clear a path. 

Rafael lay on the ground, one hand pressed against his wound. The dagger was on the ground beside him. He groaned in pain, vision already going spotty at the loss of blood. In the time Sylvan took to get to his side, he had bled profusely, a pool of blood staining the marble floor red. Sylvan tore of Rafael's shirt to see the injury better. He pulled off his own shirt to press it against the gaping wound.

"Rafael, I'm here. You're going to be fine. It's okay, it's going to be okay."

"Sylvan..." Rafael smiled faintly up at Sylvan. "I'm dying..."

"No! No you can't die, Rafael please!" Sylvan pleaded. "I love you..." the last one was a whisper.

"Syl..." Rafael starts to say, but then it hurt to talk. It hurt to breathe and do anything actually. But Rafael needed to tell Sylvan he loved him before he died. Sylvan deserved to know. "I love you Syl..." And then it all went dark. The sound of Sylvan crying and begging him to hold on faded away.

"No. No, Rafael. Rafael please. Please..." Up until then, Sylvan had refused to cry because he had to help Rafael, but now tears flowed freely down his pale cheeks, dripping onto Rafael's still chest. The droplets began tto sparkle and glow white. Silver tendrils danced from where the tears landed and moved to the wound. The tendrils slowly pulled Rafael's wound close and magically stiched it together before fading away, leaving a pale almost invisible scar on Rafael's body. Sylvan watched, shocked as Rafael's body healed before his eyes. The villagers watching the scene were just as stunned, as they watched Rafael's eyelids flutter and lift. Rafael was well again. The pair of lovers clung tightly to each other. Everyone could see the love both had for the other. There was no fighting. 

The lack of fighting had allowed Sylvan's staff to sneak behind the men and restrain them. Most were held back by the butler and cook's tentacles. The remaining were bound by some invisible rope spell cast by the faerie. The men were all struggling against their bonds.

"It's okay." Sylvan told his staff. The pair still wrapped around each other but both were facing the other people. "Let them go."

Immediately, Sylvan's staff released them and the selfish one charged at them, ready to destroy the 'monster' and his lover once and for all. He was stopped by Sylvan's tentacles. One strong tentacle tightened itself around the man's wrist, restraining him. Sylvan was about to wrap another tentacle around the man's neck but Rafael stopped him.

"Syl, just let him go, he isn't worth it." Rafael said quietly. Sylvan paused and looked at Rafael. Rafael tightened his arms around Sylvan's waist, whispering an "I love you" into Sylvan's ear. Sylvan let him go then, but not before whispereing an "I love you" back to Rafael. The man staggered back to the villagers only to be restrained by them. The mayor had ordered it. He was not an unreasonable man, he had seen Rafael and Sylvan's love for each other. Was still seeing it. He knew that Dick Hade was in the wrong here and was smart enough to know that Sylvan and his people were special and the village would certainly benefit from an alliance with Sylvan. With that in mind, he proposed a truce between Sylvan's people and the village, stating clearly that he hoped the truce could eventually become an alliance.

Rafael looked at Sylvan, asking with his eyes if this was what he wanted.

"Syl, you don't have to if you don't want to."

Sylvan looked at him with determination in his eyes. "I want to. I hope that the alliance will one day allow my people to come back." Turning to the mayor, Sylvan agreed and the people left after the mayor arranged to have a treaty signing at the village.

All that sorted, Sylvan turned to face Rafael, only to find his lips smushed against Rafael's. Sylvan parted his lips and swiped his tongue against Rafael's lips. There they stood, kissing in the middle of the hallway, arms and tentacles wrapped tightly around each other.


I did it. Enjoy because the first exam of the year begins in two days time and i really should be studying. But that's what you get when you're a secondary school student living in Singapore. Oh well.

Anyway, more to come on channel Its_just_me_guyz after the exams.

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