The Next Truth September 2019

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In the September issue we take an incredible journey through space and time with Fermilab's senior scientist Dr. Don Lincoln who explains why the size and the age of the universe seem to not agree with one another, SETI's senior astronomer Dr. Seth Shostak discusses a recent paper that suggests the possibility of E.T. calling from a parallel universe, Tony Damian looks at angelic energies from a scientific, religious and personal point of view, and Dr. Dean Radin is tackling a scientific taboo which still veils the psi phenomenon.

Also in this issue: Prof. Rupert Sheldrake takes an even deeper look into his theory of Morphic Resonance, Dr. Rick van der Zwan is holding up a mirror what reflects an unsettling phenomena in Capgras delusions, Peter Kelly is searching for signs of life on the subsurface ocean of Saturn's moon, Prof. William Webster is exploring the evolutionary behavior of surveillance cameras and Yasmin Anwar from UC Berkeley describes how the brain is capable of predicting the future

The Next Truth September 2019Where stories live. Discover now