31. closure.

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|◁ II ▷|

wens romantic.

THEIR TENSION COULDN'T have been cut with a knife, as Ezra's eyes were again cast on the woman responsible for the end of the on and off relationship she endured with Ebén... for six whole years.

Six years she'd lost, because of him.

Six years she had tirelessly spent trying to turn his heart of stone into something... softer that would allow her to be loved back in return. She had thought she was finally breaking ground with him, but again, she had gullibly soaked up his words like a sponge.

If she had the time back...

She wouldn't have been so emotionally open to him but bided her time, as she knew that Ebén was notorious for buttering her up, then letting her down with his usual, lax one-liners Well, you knew exactly what this was, Ezra.

But now, was staring down the eyes of Ebén and his new woman with angry regret that she had bought into words like a foolish, dumb prick.

"Sorry... Can I just?" said Maya, as Ezra stood standing in the way, in a last-ditch attempt to save her relationship with Ebén from completely crumbling.

She knew that if she demanded an ultimatum, and forced him to choose between her or the other woman, Ebén wouldn't hesitate to send her packing. So, this attempt to block her off came out of a moment of pure desperation, with hopes that Ebén would choose their long six-year history.

"Can I just what?" Ezra had a face full of thunder.

"Scoot past you," Maya didn't flinch as she faced off against Ezra, stuck with wanting to be respectful to a very delicate situation but also, not really giving a damn if she was the reason trouble was a-brewing.

There was a silence shared between the two women, Ebén's past and potentially his future, ambushed into one boxed room, vying for complete, unrestricted access to his once, dark-hearted heart.

But Ebén wasn't looking to be fought over.

He just wanted her.

Ezra reluctantly shifted to make way, with her hawkish eyes carefully patrolling the two, in case they ended up doing something that they shouldn't.

Maya slowly caressed the bump of Ebén's cheek, falling deeper and deeper into the pits of love as his gorgeous-brown orbs were looking up at her like she was and would forever be the only one standing in front of him, "Maya... I think I lo "

She ran her fingers through her hair, all tense with worry, "Hey. Can you give us a minute?"


Ezra would have belted out a scream if she hadn't been the meditating type and calmed her chakras on the drive down here, "Bitch, don't play with me. Say your little goodbyes and be goin' please"

"No one's playing you. I just came to s "

Ezra knew and was absolutely and fundamentally sure that she had not come under the guise of checking in, "No, you came to steal my man."

"Your man?" Things had now become interesting.

"Yes, my boyfriend" she firmed, "I didn't stutter."

Maya's body slowly swivelled, her facial expressions were locked onto Ebén as she clawed at him for answers, "Ebén, you... have a girlfriend?"

Ebén tried to form a defence as four sets of female, riled eyes were centred on him, "Had."

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