Apres Moi, Le Deluge

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I hadn't thought of New Orleans in eight months. I had practically forgotten about it.

But when I felt the signs of the last Harvest girl, Davina, needing to be killed, I knew they would finish the Harvest soon.

Devasting earthquakes had insued. That was the first stage. Earth.

Chaotic winds had literally blown the roofs off of places. That was the second stage. Air.

Dangerous storm and floods. That was the third stage. Water.

The fourth and last stage, fire, had barely started before it ended.

Then it had all just stopped.

And I knew what that meant.

Davina had died.

The Harvest was complete.

And I needed to see that Sophie and Jane-Anne were okay, to see if the Harvest had worked or not, if the four sacrifices would be resurrected or not.

I needed to go home.

I needed to go back to New Orleans.

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