Chapter Seven

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"I love you, Tony."

Tony could only look at her. He expected for her to run, to not express her herself. But he felt like the happiest man in the world. He smiled his signature 1000 watt DiNozzo grin, which in turn caused her to smile. He realized he was taking too long to respond when he saw her pulse beating hastily against her neck. He put his hand on her neck and traced his thumb over her cheek, like she had done just a few minutes ago.

"I love you too, Ziva." Her smile was brighter than he had ever seen it. He leaned in and touched his lips to hers. Soft and sweet.

'Why did I wait this long to do this? I'm an idiot.' When he pulled back, her eyes were still closed, but her smile was radiant. His smile matched hers. He leaned back in and gave her a passionate kiss, one that would make her legs fall out from under her if she wasn't sitting down. She pulled back this time.

"I hate to ruin the moment, but we should call Ducky, make sure everything is okay." He nodded, confused on how he had another outbreak. He was holding her hand and wouldn't let go. He never wanted to let go. She stood up, only to be pulled back down by him, into another sensual kiss.

"I love you." God, he could say that for the rest of his life. And that didn't scare him. DiNozzo the playboy, who went home with at least 3 women a week, was in love with his partner. She was it for him. There was no one else. Only her.

"I love you too. Now I need to go call Ducky." She stood up again, but this time, he let her go. She made her way to the kitchen, where her cell phone was and pressed "5" on her speed dial. He picked up after the 3rd ring.

'Ziva? My dear, to what do I owe the phone call?'

"Ducky, Tony had another episode. I managed to calm him down.' She smiled as she remembered the kiss and the words of endearments.

'What should I do, Ducky?'

'Bring him in, I will run some tests seeing as the steroids should have been out of his system.'

'Okay. We will be there soon.' She hung up, set her phone back on the counter, and went back to the living room, where Tony was now sitting on the couch instead of on the floor.

"Are you feeling any better?" He smiled at her.

"I feel great. Amazing even." She walked over and sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Normally, she wouldn't be comfortable with doing this with her previous romantic encounters, not even Ray. But with Tony, it felt like everything was in place, like it was just the place she wanted to be.

"What did Ducky say?"

"We need to go to the office, he wants to run some tests seeing as we believed the steroids were out of your system. We also need to check with Gibbs, see if there is anything on the case." He nodded.

"When do we have to leave?"

"I am going to take a shower, then we can go." She stood up and started making way to her bedroom.

"Want me to join you?" He looked at her like he wanted to jump her, that look sent a huge shiver down her spine, just now realizing how badly she really did want that.

"You have already taken your shower, Tony."

"I can take another one." She raised her eyebrow, thinking about his request. Even though she did want him, badly, she might add. She wanted to take things slow. She didn't want to rush things, she wanted this to work.

"Maybe next time, my love." He nodded and watched her as she left the room.

When Ziva was done in the shower, she got dressed into her usual cargo pants and boots, and put on a royal blue top. She snuck up behind Tony on the couch, seeing as he was engrossed in some show that was on the tv. She ran her hands down his chest from behind and rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Are you ready to go?" He grunted.

'Not really. I just want to stay here with you.' He thought.

"Yeah. Let's go." he stood up from his position on the couch, which in turn, caused his back to pop. He wrapped his hand in hers as they made their way out.

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