Chapter 1: The Assembly

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In the assembly hall what was currently going on was Sialeth was trying to improve everyone's enthusiasm to attack Ryoku. "Its 12AMD and we still haven't attacked Ryoku" Shouts Sialeth in front of the entire Academy. "Do you honestly think that they will rest why we repair after what happened last week" shouts Xanatos as he walks up and stands next to his friend.

"Of course we don't expect them to rest Vice Commander" shouts a random in the crowd. "Who was that" Shouts Sialeth. From what he heard Sialeth wonders if it is the girl who seems to repeat this scene every time they have an assembly. Everyone now turned at looked at a girl who was now standing up with a smile on her face. As Sialeth turned around to look at the mysterious yet well-known voice and when he sees the person that voice had come from he put his hand on his head and shook it.

"Of course it was Violet" sighed Sialeth as he looks a bit annoyed with the interruption to the emergancy assembly. Offended Violet looks at Sialeth and a magic circle forms under her feet. With this she teleports right in front of Sialeth and looks up just enough to see the glare of his eyes. "What do you mean by that Sialeth “Said Violet as she pokes her tongue out at him while pulling down one of her eyelid. As Sialeth looks down to Violet his eyes shine a sense of annoyance. Violet takes a step back, "You know how you always do that" Said Sialeth as he signals Xanatos to continue the assembly while he and Violet go around the corner of the stage. Xanatos walks up to the stage and takes a deep breath. "Anyone else wants to be a smartass" Shouts Xanatos as he tries to gain everyone's attention from what just happened. With a bit of fear from Xanatos' words the Entire academy goes silent and tries not to make a sound. Xanatos takes a step forward calmly like nothing had happened.

"Good well I would like to say that all members of the 7 Gates of Hell will be the forward attack force of the Academy" Shouts Xanatos. Anyone got a problem with this. The entire school again remains quiet Sialeth whispers something into Violets ear while a dark shadow walks onto the stage. The entire room went silent that it felt like no one was actually there and they probably wished they weren't there.

"Okay that's enough" Says the Council President walking across the stage. The entire academy rose to attention for the President. Sialeth and Violet decided to finish their conversation and go back to the stage.

"Well you are all dismissed" Shouts the Council President. The students turned around and left hoping a fight would not start out between Sialeth and the President. While the students left three others stayed behind. "Well that was interesting" Lance says with sarcasm. As he walks up the stairs to the stage with Natsumi and Rin.

"Shut up" says Xanatos. Starting to get angry from all that has happened so far today. Lance walks right up to him and with no hesitation punches Xanatos in the arm. Xanatos kindly returns the favour and punches the guy in the chest. Lucy walks up to the two and grabs both their arms while throwing them to the ground. "That's gotta hurt" Rin points out trying not to laugh. As they got back onto their feet Sialeth looks at them. Xanatos and Lance freeze at the site of Sialeth's eyes which had a tinge of red to them.  

"I got an idea how about you all shut up, we still have to plan how we the 7 Gates will attack Ryoku" shouts Sialeth. As he walks up to them. The seven grab a chair and sit down in a circle in silence. Wondering who and when will the silence break. Sialeth starts to wonder when this pathetic rivalry with Ryoku will end, sure they are skilled mages and know how to attack but it's now past the point of no holding back.

"The problem is their wall around their academy" says Rin breaking the silence. Everyone looks at her thanking her for talking first, of course they did so without actually saying it to her.

"We could fly over it" suggests Xanatos. Looking at the president Lucy. everyone turns to look at Lucy to see what she has to say about the suggestion, but to their surprise Violet is the one that says something.

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